Mount Semeru: Erupting volcano on Indonesia’s Java island

Indonesia’s Mount Semeru has erupted, pouring ash and smoke an estimated 5.6km (3.4 miles) into the sky above Java, the country’s most densely populated island.

Mike’s Baseline Trick? Don’t panic – a new baseline for global temperature may cool future debate

‘Dangerous climate change’ can be defined in either absolute or relative terms. But if defined in relative terms then it matters not just how much deviation from ‘normal’ is deemed…

What Global Warming? 148 New (2020) Scientific Papers Affirm Recent Non-Warming, A Degrees-Warmer Past

Scientists continued defying the “unprecedented” global warming narrative by publishing nearly 150 papers in 2020 that show large regions of the Earth (a) haven’t warmed in recent decades, (b) were…

The Ocean Warming Enigma

So the real question is what has caused sea temperatures to steadily rise since 1900? And if you think it is greenhouse gases, then you need to explain how these…

This Tuesday, Jan. 19: Dr. Roy Spencer’s Friends of Science Society Livestream Talk: ‘Why There Is No Climate Emergency’

In only 1/2 hour I cover what I consider to be the most important science issues, the disinformation campaign that spreads climate hysteria, some of the harm that will be…

Greenland melting likely increased by bacteria in sediment

Bacteria are likely triggering greater melting on the Greenland ice sheet, possibly increasing the island’s contribution to sea-level rise, according to Rutgers scientists.