Nuclear Fusion: The Great Clean Energy Hope?

The last few weeks has seen a crescendo of nuclear fusion clean energy hype, as proponents pitch for a share of Biden’s promised climate cash giveaway. But practical nuclear fusion,…

Claim: Scientists find the error source of a sea-ice model varies with the season

To address the issue of error source identification, Prof. Fei Zheng and his team from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, evaluated the sea-ice simulations…

Britain’s new climate plan that could make millions of homes unsellable

But there is a far bigger nasty concealed in the document that was hardly reported: a proposal that the sale of properties be banned from 2028 unless they score at…

New Evidence That the Ancient Climate Was Warmer than Today’s

Two recently published studies confirm that the climate thousands of years ago was as warm or warmer than today’s – a fact disputed by some believers in the narrative of…

Thousands in Colorado without heat after vandals attack gas system

The Aspen Police Department said the words “Earth first!” were written on one pipe near Aspen. It’s unclear if the environmental group “Earth First!” was behind the vandalism.

Which of These is 2020’s Greatest “Crime against Humanity”

From The Savvy By Vinay Kolhatkar Article 7 of the Rome Statute states: For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed…