WA “Solves” the Solar Energy Duck Curve by Raising Evening Electricity Prices

In a desperate attempt to contain the damage government subsidised rooftop solar energy has done to the grid, West Australia is trialling a pricing scheme which offers cheap electricity around…

Politicizing Business: From CSR to ESG

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)… stakeholder theory … sustainability … environmental, social, and governance investing (ESG). Whatever the term, the premise is that business is a cultural failure as well as…

Climate Activist Aussie Politicians Leap to Rescue Vital Coal Power Plants

That hilarious moment when coal haters realise their necks are on the block if the power grid fails repeatedly during Summer heatwaves.

The Case Against Sabotaging Biden’s Paris Agreement Plans

A few days ago WUWT published an article urging President Trump to kill the Paris Agreement by submitting it to the Senate. I disagree with this view. Quite apart from…

Claim: Arctic Ocean–climate change is flooding the remote north with light – and new species

At that time, scientists assumed the polar night was utterly uninteresting. A dead period in which life lies dormant and the ecosystem sinks into a dark and frigid standby mode.…

Aussie Resources Minister: UN Climate Emergency Demand an “Inconsequential “Grand Statement”

Australian Resources Minister Keith Pitt predicts global demand for Aussie coal will remain strong “long into the future”.