The Pure Evil of Hydrogen Hyping

In energy policy, the Australian government is compounding stupidity upon stupidity. Hundreds of millions of dollars are now to be spent on the dead end that is the hydrogen economy.…

The Medical Thought Police – They’re Coming for You

A group calling itself “The Global Health Security Network (GHSN) Limited” was formed last June, in Australia. …. They have just issued their first Policy Report. that recommends policies that…

Green Paranoia: The Paris Agreement is Being Subverted by Evil Aussie Capitalists

Renewable energy does not deliver a useful product, but some greens appear to be having trouble accepting this simple simple explanation for why the green revolution is faltering.

Climate Apocalypse Claim: “We’re talking about the collapse of civilization, and I think it’s really important for people to hear that.”

According to Well + Good, an additional half a degree warming is already “baked in”, and is leading to disease, floods, storms, parabolic frogs, and anything else bad you can…

Most partisan polling group ever assembled says climate change not a partisan issue!

“There may be a divide on Capitol Hill but the large majority of us are worried about climate change and want to see leaders deal with it,” said Ed Maibach,…

CLINTEL puts hard climate questions to Bill Gates

Bill Gates is throwing several billion dollars at climate change. Mind you he is not throwing it away, because it is mostly venture capital for new energy technologies, which could…