@CNN beclowns itself over Siberian craters supposedly caused by ‘climate change’

From the “There was a network who had a dog of a story, and Pingo was it’s name-o” department.

The phrase “never let a potential climate crisis story go to waste” must be in CNN’s news handbook because this headline has absolutely nothing to to with global warming aka climate change.

The story at CNN titled Massive mystery holes appear in Siberian tundra — and could be linked to climate change is a red herring of the smelliest kind, because if the writer Katie Hunt had bothered to do even the simplest of web searches, she would have learned that this crater, peculiar to that part of Siberia, is called a Pingo. It has been known to western academics since 1825, ruling out the paranoia of “climate change” in recent decades as the cause.

In fact, all Katie had to do was look on Wikipedia for the answer:

Pingos are intrapermafrost ice-cored hills, ranging in height from 3 to 70 m (10 to 230 ft) and 30 to 1,000 m (98 to 3,281 ft) in diameter. They are typically conical in shape and grow and persist only in permafrost environments, such as the Arctic and subarctic. A pingo is a periglacial landform, which is defined as a non-glacial landform or process linked to colder climates. It is estimated that there are more than 11,000 pingos on Earth. The Tuktoyaktuk peninsula area has the greatest concentration of pingos in the world with a total of 1,350 pingos.

In 1825, John Franklin made the earliest description of a pingo when he climbed a small pingo on Ellice Island in the Mackenzie Delta. However, it was in 1938 that the term pingo was first borrowed from the Inuvialuit by the Arctic botanist Alf Erling Porsild in his paper on Earth mounds of the western Arctic coast of Canada and Alaska. Porsild Pingo in Tuktoyaktuk is named in his honour. The term pingos, which in Inuvialuktun means conical hill, has now been accepted as a scientific term in English-language literature.

1825? That’s well before the the Industrial Revolution, said to really begin to affect the planet in 1850, which is blamed as the primary cause of “global warming”, according to NASA:

Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. 

Basically, a Pingo is a plug of ice that can form due to poor drainage, pushing up a small hill as the ice expands, and when the condition of the soil changes, the ice melts, and the soil around it collapses, leaving a crater.

Diagram showing how closed system (hydrostatic) pingos are formed. Figure Is adapted from E. Farrell. https://www.britannica.com/science/open-system-pingo Creative Commons free license from Wikipedia

This isn’t rocket science; it definitely isn’t climate science.

As I have previously reported on Climate Realism, this part of Siberia above the Arctic Circle is a place of extremes due to it’s location where it gets 24 hour a day summer sunlight, and temperatures as high as 100°F a result, and 24 hour a day darkness during winter, resulting in weeks of sub-zero temperatures.  I reported that 100°F plus temperatures have been observed in Siberia over 100 years ago, because it is normal for that location.

Climate alarmist media like CNN would like you to believe this crater is caused by the fossil fuels putting more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But, history tells us these Pingos go back centuries, long before the left started to blame your SUV for wrecking the planet. I told you about it on WUWT back in 2014.

One of the researchers says so himself deep in the article, but most people only read the headline, and the CNN headline fingers climate change:

He spoke to a reindeer herder who witnessed a massive explosion of a mound on a river channel in the Yamal Peninsula in 2017.“Every morning she was going to this small frost mound in the river because it was the highest place and she was looking where her reindeer were, and this morning when the explosion happened she came again and she started to feel something in her legs and she was afraid of it and she ran.”

“When she was in the distance — 200 or 300 meters there was an explosion. She could have been killed,” he said. Other craters have formed less than 3 kilometers from railways and an oil pipeline, he added.

Bogoyavlensky isn’t convinced that the primary cause of these craters is warming temperatures linked to climate change. Villages and herding communities he has spoken to have told him that older generations have shared stories of explosions creating craters in the tundra. 

Gosh, older generations knew about it, and history records the phenomenon way back in 1825, well before “global warming” aka “climate change” was ever an issue.

If only CNN could learn to use a search engine like Google, and maybe visit Wikipedia or WUWT, they could actually call themselves journalists.

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September 6, 2020 6:07 am

There are still pingos in Britain, many thousands of years after the ice went back.

Lodewijk Vis
Reply to  dearieme
September 6, 2020 6:38 am

Pingo-ruins exist in the Netherlands as well and are considered interesting sites for paleo botanics who can reconstruct climate history on the basis of the sediment formed at the bottom a what now are shallow lakes.

September 6, 2020 6:23 am

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 1700’s. The warmists will just say that “it’s worst than they thought” and earlier impacts are becoming evident.

Reply to  Scissor
September 6, 2020 7:30 am

Have we reached peak “Pingo” yet or is it worse than we thought?

Reply to  Scissor
September 6, 2020 7:59 am

The come back to that is to point out that according to them, these early small increases had big impacts and that modern much larger increases are having barely measurable impacts.
Therefore this proves that CO2 has become saturated and therefore any future increases will have even less impact.

Reply to  MarkW
September 6, 2020 2:29 pm

From the “who would have thought department”: warming causes melting.

“During the reference decade between 2007 and 2016… permafrost temperature increased by 0.29 ± 0.12 °C”

Um yep, still warming, still melting.

Reply to  Loydo
September 6, 2020 4:49 pm

Still BELOW zero degrees, still FROZEN.

Reply to  Loydo
September 6, 2020 5:03 pm

Move to northern Canada, twerp. Enjoy the cold..

0.29°C…. wow….


NATURAL warming from the coldest period in 100,000 years IS NOT A PROBLEM

Cooling back down, would be.

Reply to  Loydo
September 6, 2020 6:46 pm

Loydo dare we point out Arctic permafrost has been diminishing for many centuries. So at best you argument is humans are accelerating it. You also seem to think permafrost is a good thing the only bad thing about is it if you are a true climate change zealot it will release more CO2.

Now the facts you already admitted you realize temperatures don’t stabilize for 70 years so more melt is already a done deal. You can cut your emissions all you like and if the volumes under the permafrost are anywhere near right your cuts will be for nothing CO2 levels will continue to rise. It is obvious the agenda being promoted has nothing to do with reducing CO2 as you agree on the basic facts and the conclusions that it leads to are straight forward. So again I ask the question to you Loydo do you want to cut CO2 emissions or not and what is your agenda?

Reply to  LdB
September 6, 2020 9:14 pm

“You can cut your emissions all you like”

Which Loy-DOH will not do.

It’s still using its computer. !

Reply to  LdB
September 6, 2020 11:33 pm

“Arctic permafrost has been diminishing for many centuries…”
I think you just made that up…

“the Arctic is warming fast, and frozen soils are starting to thaw, often for the first time in thousands of years”

To the question do you want to cut CO2 emissions? Yes
But as Fred points out that isn’t easy when your job, your industry and your society rely on and have become heavily dependant on cheap energy from fossil fuel. Not easy for an individual to make much difference. And made more difficult by the deliberate white-anting of science and spreading of bs like “history tells us these Pingos go back centuries, long before the left started to blame your SUV for wrecking the planet…”

My agenda is to mock what I see as an attack on science by linking to the science.. Case in point:
“Um yep, still warming, still melting.”
The Arctic is seeing more warming than anywhere else. That is significant because it sits on a tipping point and its now abruptly tipping towards a being largely ice-free. A temperate, maritime ocean will have climatic knock-on effects, not just on permafrost and frozen carbon sinks but in my opinion effects that highly complex societies and civilisations depending on predictable weather won’t enjoy. Attempting to frame abrupt Arctic warming and permafrost melting as merely a CNN beat-up while willfully ignoring the evidence deserves mockery.

If you think this is wrong show me the data, I’d truly love to see some compelling research that refutes the evidence of: Arctic amplification, abrupt permafrost melt.

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 12:21 am

Warming from the COLDEST period in 10,000 years

And of course, absolutely ZERO evidence that the highly beneficial warming is caused by human CO2 or human anything for that matter.

Only warming this century has been from the El nino in 2015

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The Arctic COOLED from 1980 -1995

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And only warmed during the El Nino period around 1998.

And its still probably no warmer than it was in the 1940s.

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So Loy.. you produced yet another science free rant…. signifying NOUGHT !

You certainly keep making a mockery of “climate science” !!

Great that you are able to show the UHI effect smeared across the whole world, with numerous “adjustments” to fit the fantasy.

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 12:30 am

How about we look at PRE-adjusted data from Phil Jones.. for the Arctic.

And not consider the GISS farce as anything but the “climate fabrication” that it is.

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No warming except the El Nino in 2015

Purely natural COOLING from 1940-1970.. now erased !!

So temperatures , without “climate™” adjustments, are no warmer now than in 1940.. probably cooler.

Thanks for making a mockery of GISS… even though they don’t need help.

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 12:38 am

“the deliberate white-anting of science”M/em>

Yep, its something YOU really need to stop doing !

Heck you STILL can’t produce a single bit of evidence that the highly beneficial warming out of the very COLD LIA has been caused by any human influence except UHI and statistical “effects”

NO evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2. !

You have no science. !

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 12:40 am

“That is significant because it sits on a tipping point and its now abruptly tipping towards a being largely ice-free”

What a load of arrant, scientifically-unsupportable BS

Arctic sea ice levels are far higher than they have been for most of the last 10,000 years.

Only during the LIA and the period around the late 1970s cold anomaly , have they been higher.

Stop DENYING climate change. !

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 4:22 am

Loydo says you’re making it up, that permafrost has been diminishing for centuries.

Don’t think so:

October 7, 1998 “Ancient Clues from a Frozen Forest” Article #1409 https://web.archive.org/web/20000527202434/http://www.gi.alaska.edu/ScienceForum/ASF14/1409.html by Ned Rozell

“Troy L. Péwé once discovered an interesting patch of woods near Ester, about nine miles east of Fairbanks. The spruce and birch trees of this forest were underground, sandwiched between layers of earth. Each tree was 125,000 years old.

Péwé…found the forest when he worked for the U.S. Geological Survey in 1949. At the
time, the U.S. government had assigned Péwé and other scientists to study permafrost. Péwé examined hillside cuts made by gold miners in Ester and found trees frozen between layers of loess.

Because the trees were buried about 45 feet below the present-day forest at Eva Creek, Péwé knew they were old. How old he didn’t find out until 50 years later, after methods of finding the age of extremely old things had been developed. One of those methods, a system for determining the age of volcanic dust, proved particularly useful.

Because pencil-thin layers of volcanic ash line the soil above and below the frozen forest, Péwé and others were able to get a rough estimate of the trees’ age. Péwé said the frozen forest at Eva Creek thrived at a time that was up to 5 degrees Celsius warmer than it is today, when there was little-to-no permafrost.

Because the frozen forest is full of charred trees, Péwé suspects there were a lot of forest fires 125,000 years ago. Insect galleries carved into the bark of some of the frozen spruce indicate that the spruce bark beetle was also here then.

In an incredibly gradual process, loess coated the Eva Creek forest. The ancient trees froze as the climate became cold enough to produce permafrost. Eventually, miners in the 1940s unearthed the trees with hydraulic giants. Péwé found the trees between two layers of loess, one known as Gold Hill Loess, the other as the Goldstream Formation.

What can we learn from the Eva Creek frozen forest and other sites like it? Péwé said that because the last period between ice ages was warmer than today, we may be able to predict the future by looking at the past.”

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 5:53 am

Loydo if what you believe is true the arctic is gone there is nothing any of us can do to stop it. You know the climate story you have 70years of heating from the moment you can get to zero emissions. So lets move beyond you mocking them because they are wrong and them mocking you because they think your wrong … what do you suggest we do?

This is the basic question I have posed to many climate catastrophe believers and you avoided in your answer. Even if I accept every single thing you say there simply is no point in emission control so what is your plan B?

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 6:52 am

“so what is your plan B?”

Its a diabolical problem; an exploding population, everyone wanting it all and most of the worst effects spread far, far off into the future, but even 2 °C is way better than 2.5 which is vastly superior to 3.

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 1:11 pm

Another scientifically unsubstantiated low-level brain-washed opinion from Loy.

Zero meaning, zero evidence. !

Best it can do is double down on all its fallacies and lies.

DOH !!!

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 5:45 pm

Loydo that is the point you guys leave me shaking my head in disbelief … so your plan is to be terribly upset and worried until you pass. Can I point out you given what you believe it would be better for there to be hundreds of nuclear power stations around the world and even if a couple did a chernobyl it’s less death and problems than your future you believe in.

At the moment your sort of belief is the problem you have no plan and no faith and your only great idea doesn’t do anything.

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 10:00 pm

Just because I haven’t spelt out some detailed plan for this forum to commend doesn’t mean I haven’t taken steps. I understand some of the consequences of an abrupt pulse of CO2 entering the atmosphere and remaining there for hundreds of generations. But I’m not “terribly upset”, just grateful; I’m one of the lucky, born in a safe country, in the midst of unprecedented wealth and well-being that came and will go in a geological split second. The chances of living right now are vanishingly small.

Gratitude, but with 20-20 hindsight we might have acted a little more conservatively with our energy endowment and our desire to annexe the biosphere. We haven’t, so personally optimistic, but pessimistic for future generations to enjoy the opportunities I’ve had which is a little sad.

Reply to  LdB
September 7, 2020 11:01 pm

So Loydo you have a plan and you won’t tell us which means you don’t need us to do anything and you are going to do a Griff and single handed save us. Cool then we will just continue to do what we want and burn fossil fuels and will leave it to you to save the planet. You go girl you have got this.

Reply to  LdB
September 8, 2020 1:45 am

“you don’t need us to do anything…”

Komerade Cube
September 6, 2020 6:38 am

The only people who pay any attention to the Communist News Network are the practitioners of the Warmista religion, so its not like this nonsense will have any impact on the world as a whole.

george Tetley
Reply to  Komerade Cube
September 6, 2020 10:50 am

Chit Not News CNN

Reply to  george Tetley
September 6, 2020 12:41 pm

It’s actually


Bill Powers
Reply to  Komerade Cube
September 6, 2020 11:07 am

The problem Komerade is that the Public School systems and the world wide universities are stamping out new little practitioners every spring. The only upside to the “rona” shutdowns it interrupts their indoctrination cycle.

Brainwashing requires perpetual reinforcement and the “rona” shutdown indoctrination disruption was an unintended consequence. There secular religious training has taken a hit and they are only now coming to grips with these consequences and backing of their original stance that we need to forego indoc…ahh education until 2021 or 22 if Trump is re-elected her in the States.

September 6, 2020 6:41 am

Here’s something about Siberia that CNN may like.


Abolition Man
September 6, 2020 6:48 am

“If only CNN could learn to use a search engine like
Google, and maybe visit Wikipedia or WUWT, they
could actually call themselves journalists.”

Nah, that would involve creative thought and imagination; both of which are highly frowned upon in the High Church of Progressivism, Climate Change! You are better off repeating back the dogma you have been fed by your indoctrinators at the School of Urinalism you attended!
I hear that MSLSD is sending out an anchor to determine if there is evidence of a miniature Black Hole causing the the pingos! That or there may be a connection to another horrible policy by Orange Man Bad! That and climate change are the only known causes of bad things, except for a few isolated space thingies according to the clowns of CNN!

Ron Long
September 6, 2020 6:51 am

Anthony, CNN is on a mission, and incidental details, like reality and truth, are not important, so, no, they are not going to change. When President Trump wins reelection their brains might explode, but, considering everything, they will be small explosions.

Reply to  Ron Long
September 6, 2020 7:31 am

The explosion is more an implosion. A mound rapidly collapses because a void is created below it.

By your logic, some folks’ heads will implode when President Trump is re-elected.

Doonesbury this morning blames President Trump for America’s coronavirus problems. Sad. I wonder what the cartoonist will do when Trump is re-elected.

If you have one thing that you think explains everything, you are going to be wrong most of the time and you’re going to suffer from a lot of cognitive dissonance. That’s going to cause a lot of stress and have negative health outcomes.

Reply to  commieBob
September 6, 2020 8:02 am

According to left wing mythology. They are perfect, therefore if there is anything bad in the world, it was caused by those who oppose them.

Reply to  commieBob
September 6, 2020 10:12 am

Doonesbury is still relevant? Scratch that– Doonesbury is still around?

Reply to  leowaj
September 6, 2020 2:33 pm

There’s a new strip every Sunday. Otherwise it’s repeats from decades past. Don’t go there if you can’t stand seeing President Trump slagged. I think that’s the only thing that gives the cartoonist’s life any meaning.

You might argue that President Trump hasn’t particularly helped the coronavirus situation. On the other hand, given the situation, it’s brain dead to blame him for it. Today’s Doonesbury was particularly pathetic in that regard.

People in general have trouble seeing the obvious reality around them. It seems to be worse for the left because they seem to love theory so much.

One of the Greek Gods put a curse on Cassandra that, even though she was always right, nobody would believe her. Kinda reminds me of Trump.

Izaak Walton
Reply to  commieBob
September 6, 2020 4:04 pm

So who would you blame for the increase in COVID-19 cases? Cases in the EU are down
considerably from their peak in March while in the USA they are significantly higher?

Reply to  commieBob
September 6, 2020 5:05 pm

Natural cycles of infection come in cyclic waves.
Influenza, smallpox ( before vaccinations), cold viruses, rotaviruses,
pretty much all epidemics are episodic , then diminish, then come back as new susceptible groups are “discovered” by the virus.

Izaak Walton
Reply to  commieBob
September 6, 2020 7:26 pm

that doesn’t explain why the trajectory of COVID-19 cases in the USA is so different from that in Europe or most of the rest of the world. The US has done a bad job containing the virus and its current lack of directions are only making it worse.

Reply to  commieBob
September 6, 2020 7:42 pm

So who would you blame for the increase in COVID-19 cases?

Let’s consider who did it right. As far as I can tell it’s Taiwan.
1 – Taiwan had a bad experience with SARS and developed a plan to deal with the next such occurrence.
2 – Taiwan is an island and that makes it easier to control entry to the country.
3 – Taiwan jumped on the problem when China still thought the problem was pneumonia.
4 – People in that part of Asia are used to wearing masks and do so without complaint.
5 – Although Taiwan’s response was very strict with regard to individual behaviour, the country was able to avoid shutting down its economy.
6 – Taiwan speaks Mandarin Chinese, the majority language in China.
7 – Taiwanese citizens are able to freely travel to and work in China. Taiwan knows what’s going on in China far better than anybody else.
8 – The Taiwanese people don’t seem to think that intrusive contact tracing is a violation of their civil rights.

When we look at the American situation, none of the above points prevail. The required powers are distributed at all levels of government and the people are a heck of a lot less compliant.

So, to reiterate my point, President Trump didn’t help much but nor should he attract any particular blame. If I had to assign blame I would put it down to the characteristics of the American people.

Any strategy or personality trait can be absolutely right or absolutely wrong for a given situation. The same freedom loving, entrepreneurial, innovative traits that made America great have hindered its response to this coronavirus. I would say America is much better off that way in spite of the occasional pandemic.

Reply to  commieBob
September 7, 2020 12:28 am

Pretty simple explanation even your small mind might grasp:
The US is 50 states. Like 50 countries, Each with its own trajectory.

I know that concept is difficult for a collectivist. Work on it.

Reply to  leowaj
September 6, 2020 4:34 pm

“Doonesbury is still around?”

That was my thought.

September 6, 2020 7:03 am

They are gopher holes.
Look just like the ones in my yard.
Caused by climate change.
None of them seen in the winter.
I have my cat guarding the yard now.
He mainly sleeps on the deck.
The gophers come out from under the deck, see the cat, and go back down underground.
I’ve called CNN to report this.

September 6, 2020 7:05 am

Those craters are likely to fill up with water- at least partially- resulting in a terrific wildlife habitat. What’s not to like about them?

Fritz Brohn
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
September 6, 2020 7:26 am


Reply to  Fritz Brohn
September 6, 2020 9:46 am

Oh noes…Siberia…mosquitoes, Malaria outbreak coming soon. Everything bad is due to global warming and climate change. Because of CO2.

This natural phenomenon has been going for as long as the the Quaternary glaciation ice age in Siberia the last 2.6 million years. Probably explains many of the millions of small pothole lakes everywhere there was glaciers and freeze/thaw melting cycles over very long time frames. Learn something new every day here!

Reply to  Earthling2
September 6, 2020 11:47 am

Earthling … most of the round lakes in glaciated areas are actually “kettle lakes”.
FYI https://www.britannica.com/science/kettle

Western Canada’s prairies are rotten with them … the Pingos are more of a high Arctic phenomena.

Reply to  stewartpid
September 6, 2020 12:15 pm

Interesting. Yes, when you look at Google Earth images for the Can prairies, such as Sask, Alberta and Manitoba, there are a lot of these shallow circular lakes, which we called sloughs. I grew up next to several of these on our farm and always wondered how exactly they were formed thinking probably they were the last of the melting ice sheets, and deposition of sediments around them led to the circular lake when the last of the ice melted leaving a shallow hole around the built up sediments that filled in with water. But it should be noted that the prairies at one point were also permafrost similar to the high arctic when this interglacial was just starting 15,000 years ago, so I would imagine that these Pingo’s would have been happening at more southerly latitudes when the ice sheets were melting a long time ago but the lakes remain to this day. Probably a combination of a lot of things going on as this latest Holocene interglacial started.

Mark Whelan
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
September 6, 2020 8:49 pm

Should ask Crap News Nightly to check out the Lena River Delta in Siberia – look at them Pingoes!
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September 6, 2020 7:20 am

MIT beclowns itself…


The problem here is that the silent majority was able to identify the marxist murderers, arsonists and other felonious hooligans via the video the same hooligans shot of themselves.

I still haven’t seen the same for the silent majority with all the antif/blm cameras rolling.

Reply to  john
September 6, 2020 8:43 am

Here is the article I refer to. The above link has other interesting tidbits.


Reply to  john
September 7, 2020 1:52 pm

Wow, that author doesn’t even exist in the same reality.

Reply to  john
September 6, 2020 9:16 am

Wow, that’s an understatement. Even clowns demonstrate some common sense.

Just Jenn
September 6, 2020 7:21 am

Prime example of why editors exist. Or they did before they were chucked out across news platforms. Any TV news station is going to drone on about the things their advertiser’s market researchers have declared to be in the “best interests” of their customers vs what an editor has to answer for in spending the station’s money.

A real editor would have looked at that story and told the young reporter to fact check it and find out what it was, and then chucked it or buried it in a long segment on the Earth because it was an interesting fact but not a headline.

September 6, 2020 7:29 am

This article is hilarious!

But I have to say that I am quite surprised to see that Wikipedia’s article on pingos does not itself front global warming (aka “climate change™) as being integral to their formation.

P.S. CNN, no more evidence that the article by your reporter Katie Hunt, referenced above, is necessary to show the joke that you’ve become after once being a well-respected news organization. Pity.

Reply to  Gordon A. Dressler
September 6, 2020 8:56 am

Katie Hunt’s bio on CNN:
“Katie Hunt writes about science and health for CNN Digital based in London. She was previously a senior digital producer in Hong Kong, where she led coverage of China. Previously, Katie worked for Reuters and the BBC. She has a BA in Modern Chinese Studies from the University of Leeds.”

Apparently being a senior producer-writer at CNN writing science and health stories is to have an undergraduate Arts degree Chinese culture.
Kinda makes you wonder what she is taking under the table from the ChiComms for writing climate porn.

Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
September 6, 2020 9:54 am


+42 thousand intergalactic credits!

On the outer Barcoo
Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
September 6, 2020 10:55 am

You’d think a “senior digital producer” would be familiar with the implications of “digital extraction”.

Abolition Man
Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
September 6, 2020 12:00 pm

She may be working for the ChiComs pro bono out of her need to make a difference! I think many of the Lame Stream urinalists are in the same boat because they aren’t smart enough to realize they could be getting paid for spreading the ChiCom agitprop!
They’re probably better off doing that because they’d be very likely to get caught, like the FBI agents behind the Russia Collusion Hoax! The Chinese only seem to pay the heavy hitters like DemoKKKrat pols and influential college and media types! I’m sure she’s trying to move up into the professional leagues though!

Just Jenn
Reply to  Joel O’Bryan
September 7, 2020 8:12 am

Oh good lord her bio speaks volumes!!

BA in Modern Chinese Studies from the University of Leeds
Worked for Reuters and the BBC (probably right out of Uni)
Landed a job in Hong Kong (probably where she was headed) and worked her way up to senior digital producer.
*something big happened*
Now she is writing about science and health for CNN.

That something big was most likely the protests in Hong Kong last year before all this nonsense started and she fled China or was asked to leave seeing as how she was a senior digital producer.

So what did she cover and plaster on the interwebs that had her flee Hong Kong and take a position she is not qualified for except in digital production at CNN? Makes you wonder…

Gary Pearse
September 6, 2020 7:29 am

Weird stuff in cold climes. Learned about pingos in Geology 101 in the 1950s. Tuktoyaktuk on the Canadian western Arctic is home to the world’s largest number of them. It is an Inuktitut word.

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Another weird feature of icy, or former icy terrains is the ‘tuya’ which is an upside down wash basin shaped volcano that erupted under an ice sheet. Common in Iceland and old ones in northern British Columbia

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Reply to  Gary Pearse
September 6, 2020 11:11 am

I worked in Tuktoyaktuk. That pingo in the picture, or one very much like it, was right outside our camp. I went exploring around it a bit, but as you can see it is very hard to get around with are the marshy areas.

Robert W. Turner
September 6, 2020 7:33 am

They literally publish this same nonsense every single year at this time when new pingos form. And they are due to climate change, climate change going back 12,500 years. The high latitudes are full of infilled pingos that can be seen from satellite.

September 6, 2020 7:39 am

– Cerebral interpretation and fictional reporting by Katie Hunt @CNN likely linked to climate change
– In other news, scientists still puzzled regarding the natural phenomena of massive mystery holes in Siberian tundra

PM Dean
September 6, 2020 8:06 am

Following on from Dearime

Pingo trail in Norfolk UK.
Pingo flora suggests suggests peri-glacial origins.

September 6, 2020 8:29 am

Everything’s my for the message. Nothing against the message. Nothing outside the message.

Reply to  SMC
September 6, 2020 8:30 am

Damn spell checker… Everything for the message.

September 6, 2020 8:34 am

The Daily Mail may have run a similar story in September 2020?


According to the DM: “A massive underground methane explosion in Siberia has left behind gigantic 165-foot crater…. Scientists suggest it was formed by a buildup of methane gas erupting beneath a pingo, or ice-covered mound, when the permafrost cover begins to melt. Siberia has faced record temperatures this year, with the thermometer hitting 78 degrees Fahrenheit in May – nearly 40 degrees above average. This is the 17th such crater uncovered in Yamal since the phenomenon was first reported in 2014, and it’s thought to be the largest.”

September 6, 2020 8:46 am

“@CNN beclowns itself over Siberian craters supposedly caused by ‘climate change’”

CNN beclowns itself on virtually every subject 24/7/365.

I see where the Pentagon tried to get rid of the Stars and Stripes and the president said no way! Back in the early 80s when in SF we learned the Stars and Stripes correspondents were the ONLY news people to talk to. The subversion and misinformation has spewed from our corporate “news” organizations long before we had the likes of any cable “news” networks and I thank the internet and the truth seekers like Anthony and so many others for being the vehicle where by the lies of the corporate media by commission and omission are exposed to those willing to take the time to listen, read, and learn.

The lying chumps of the corporate media are killing themselves but they’re far too stupid, and too isolated to realize it.

Thomas Gasloli
September 6, 2020 8:46 am

Oh, CNN knew the pingo wasn’t created by “climate change”, that is why the used the “could.”

But they also know that their viewers believe whatever CNN tells them, and don’t pay close enough attention to notice the use of “could”–the american left media all purpose escape clause.

Reply to  Thomas Gasloli
September 6, 2020 9:23 am

“But they also know that their viewers believe whatever CNN tells them, and don’t pay close enough attention to notice the use of “could”–the american left media all purpose escape clause.”

Your right about their viewers. All three of them.

September 6, 2020 8:47 am

If I can save even ONE female reindeer herder from an awful “explosive” death … then buying a Tesla will have been worth it. Right?

Thomas Gasloli
September 6, 2020 8:49 am

Oh, CNN knew the pingo was not created by “climate change”, that is why they used the could.

But they also know that their viewers believe whatever CNN tells them, and that they don’t pay close enough attention to notice the use of “could”–the american left media’s all purpose escape clause.

Philip Mulholland
September 6, 2020 10:46 am

“Marina Leibman, a Russian permafrost expert at the Earth Cryosphere Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences, was part of a team of researchers who have analyzed five gas emission craters using remote sensing data and field surveys.”


Someone to follow.

george Tetley
September 6, 2020 10:48 am

Chit Not News !!!

Jim Whelan
September 6, 2020 12:07 pm

I Notice that the entire article simply assumes that methane (the current “Bad gas” de jour) Is the culprit despite, from what I can tell, not a scintilla of evidence for that.

September 6, 2020 1:08 pm

this has become a religion……zero science says humans control the weather……one has to be rather stupid to even think that….i have been silenced on a weather forum for daring to post the truth and am reaching a point where i simply surrender…..TRUTH is not welcome on the internet.

September 6, 2020 1:35 pm

But the point surely is they now see pingos where no pingos were before… because the permafrost didn’t melt.

(and where’s the story about record Siberian fires?)

John F Hultquist
Reply to  griff
September 6, 2020 2:27 pm

A fellow using a back-hoe — about 1/2 mile from us — hit power lines this morning and started a fire, so there was a lot of local action for a few hours.
30 minutes ago, a sheriff’s deputy assured me it was under control.
The Siberian fires have been ongoing, see

. . . That’s 2019, so on to older stuff.
Now back to 2018: Smoke from Siberian Fires Reaches Canada

Then there is this one — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinchaga_fire
. . . the single largest recorded fire in North American history
I remember this one. It made day into night in Western Pennsylvania, although the fire was in Northern Alberta.

Reply to  griff
September 6, 2020 3:00 pm

After the COLDEST period in 10,000 years… ie the Little Ice Age

Be GLAD of the slight warming.

Stop DENYING climate changes, griff.

John F Hultquist
September 6, 2020 1:58 pm

Any “earth science” text book, say in a geography or geology for the past 75 years, included a few paragraphs and a photo of pingos. The idea is that a frozen chunk of H2O will have free flowing water migrate toward the frozen. A key concept of science is that water is a very strange substance live science link here; and you can search-up many others.
The melting of, I recall, but not the explosions. The “bursting” of pipes is well known.

Bill Rocks
September 6, 2020 2:05 pm

Geology 101 in the year 1968.
Rank amateur CNN.

M__ S__
September 6, 2020 3:01 pm

I don’t think CNN cares if they get the facts wrong.

The objective was to blame a strange image on a favorite “news” narrative, and they did it. The vast majority of people simply accepted what they said and moved on. They won’t bother to check, and CNN editors know that—mission accomplished.

September 6, 2020 3:47 pm

An excellent paper about those holes(which CNN clearly didn’t read) is here https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-31858-9 “Cryovolcanism on the Earth: Origin of a Spectacular Crater in the Yamal Peninsula (Russia)”
They present evidence, from shadows on satellite or aerial photos, that prior to its bursting, this pingo-like structure stuck up some considerable height. It then burst like a giant ‘zit’.

John F Hultquist
Reply to  JCalvertN(UK)
September 6, 2020 8:40 pm
Reply to  John F Hultquist
September 7, 2020 4:38 pm

That article seems to be a completely different take on the matter. If I’m reading it correctly, the Nature paper seems to be suggesting that the gas was largely CO2.

September 6, 2020 3:48 pm

Another way for pingoes to form is hydraulic pressure. Water at a slightly higher elevation, flows downhill, until it is blocked by ice or a change in soil. The water would flow UNDER the permafrost to the blockage.

Pressure would build and cause the hill to form. In some cases, it appears there is an explosion, with soil thrown out in a crater. Here, the pressure has built past the failure point of the soil and the permafrost.

Even modest changes in elevation cause large forces. A water source only 10 feet above the pingo, and forming a hill a little over 100 feet wide, would have nearly 6,000,000 pounds of force under it.

Counter intuitively, the hill can also grow higher than 10 feet. As the water has more exposure to surface temps, it freezes. This newly frozen water then becomes part of the hydraulic “cylinder”, with water pressure pushing upward. The ice can be self supporting, so exerts no hydrostatic pressure against the hydraulic pressure.

This can happen independent of climate change, and thinning or thickening of the permafrost. In fact, thinning permafrost can make formation of pingoes harder to happen. Without thick enough permafrost, the water may simply leak to surface as a spring. The ice needs to be thick enough to not break when subject to hydraulic pressure, and instead simply deforms, instead of breaking. Of course, if the permafrost is too thick, it will resist deformation, too.

Hans Erren
September 6, 2020 9:46 pm

This summer I visited the Uddelermeer pingo in The Netherlands, I never knew that its origin had also an explosive component.

September 6, 2020 9:48 pm

Pingo? Bingo!

September 7, 2020 1:23 am

This is something new, not pingos. I don’t like CNN either but in popular scientific matters (where this article belongs to) it reports what actual science tells us. Scientists of course know these are not pingos. These are explosive outbursts originating from depth (and clearly throwing matter outside, sometimes far away) not implosions like pingos and they are easily distinguishable from (the anyway well known) pingos. Scientists have a good working hypothesis (gaseous methane buildup due to AGW) and they are actively researching the topic. The matter is hard, this phenomenon is new, and they currently can only research the results of accidentally discovered older outbursts, and there are still a rather low number of that.


September 7, 2020 1:34 am

While I agree with the WUWT criticisms of the article-and thanks for the explanation of Pingoes – may I point out what has been overlooked is the writer’s use of “could be linked to Climate change” emphasis on “could”

I dont know how US newspapers write but believe me down here in OZ the MSM could not write an article if the phrase ” this could be ” was banned
Reportage of facts has gone out the window Opinion masked as reporting is all the go with “could ” and “May be” the get out weasel words prefacing most articles these days in the written media

September 7, 2020 4:33 am

They might discover Maars next…


“What’s a maar? It looks a lot like a lake, it’s circular and it exists because of colossal explosions that happened when molten rock met water. Jim Beget has visited the world’s largest set of maars, located on the northern horn of the Seward Peninsula east of Shishmaref.

Landforms shaped in dramatic fashion intrigue Beget, retired from the Alaska Volcano Observatory and University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Geosciences. He has visited the Devil Mountain Lakes maar, the largest one on Earth.”

September 7, 2020 1:37 pm

I read pingo as pinga – a great dance

Rich Davis
September 7, 2020 3:09 pm

Minor point, but how does a clown parade beclown itself?

September 8, 2020 6:58 am

It’s CNN photo journalism, not real journalism. The journalism profession has been under more severe threat for longer than any tundra or forests.

John Endicott
September 10, 2020 5:52 am

If you had ended the headline with “@CNN beclowns itself” and you’d have pretty much described everything CNN has done the past 4 years. The bigger news would be if CNN could “report” a story without beclowning itself. Sadly that’s news that’s unlikely to happen anytime soon.