Climate litigation: big oil must fight on the science or die

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley This will be a long posting. You have been warned. The news that the Ninth Circus in California has decided that global warming is a…

SMH: Savings Funds Keep Voting Down Shareholder Climate Action Initiatives

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Climate shaming retirement savings fund managers who don’t comply with the green agenda. Top super funds increasingly vote down climate resolutions By Charlotte GrieveJune 8, 2020…

Green cities roadmap touts COVID-19 recovery stimulus

Australian roadmap says greening cities can help kickstart economy University of Melbourne A Roadmap to fast-track flourishing green roofs, walls and facades in Australian cities released today promotes six positive…

Big Tech Pandemic

Patients in Wuhan, China, are being saved with high-dose vitamin C. In the U.S., you can get your Twitter or Facebook account deleted or your video scrubbed for even talking about it. American…

20 Years On, Jurassic Park Author Michael Crichton is Still Right about Global Warming

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Everyone has heard of Jurassic Park. What is less well known is author Michael Crichton, who passed in 2008, was also a staunch critic of…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #412

Quote of the Week: “It is in the admission of ignorance and the admission of uncertainty that there is a hope for the continuous motion of human beings in some…