Green New Deal Dems Toss Their Support Behind Report Pushing To Fast-Track Population Control

From The Daily Caller Chris White Tech Reporter November 06, 2019 4:57 PM ET Several high-profile Democrats who back the so-called Green New Deal are now apparently supporting a new…

L A Times propaganda conceals colossal global failure of the Paris Agreement

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The L A Times newest climate alarmist propaganda article blatantly conceals the colossal global failure of the phony Paris Agreement and tries to manipulate the…

Georgetown: How a Texan Town’s Green Energy Dream Turned into a Nightmare

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t JoNova; Al Gore might be happy to encourage towns like Georgetown to go renewable, but so far he is not offering to pay anyones…

Claim: We Must Unleash the Climate Friendly Hydrogen Unicorn

Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to the Aussie ABC, Australia’s government broadcast service, things will fall apart unless we ditch coal and start exporting climate friendly hydrogen to a…

Red China: Climate Change Leader (/SARC)

Guest sarcasm by David Middleton Some recent headlines: China is positioned to lead on climate change as the US rolls back its policies, September 12, 2019 Country Is Playing Leading…

World scientists declare climate emergency

To quote a Facebook friend of mine: Yawn. More than 11,000 scientists endorse six steps to address climate emergency University of Sydney A global team of scientists including Dr Thomas…