Apex Predator Dies Shortly After the Arrival of Humans, Climate Change Blamed

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The University of New South Wales, birthplace of the Ship of Fools, sees no connection between the arrival of Australian Aboriginals, and the subsequent rapid…


By Tom Harris and Jay Lehr  President Donald Trump was right to express skepticism about human-caused (anthropogenic) climate change in his October 14th interview on CBS television’s “60 Minutes.” Contrary to Al Gore’s assertion in his…

NOAA Winter Outlook favors mild winter temperatures for much of U.S.

Wet southern states to contrast drought in West – weak El Nino expected A mild winter could be in store for much of the United States this winter according to…

September 2018 Global Surface (Land+Ocean) and Lower Troposphere Temperature Anomaly Update

This post provides updates of the values for the three primary suppliers of global land+ocean surface temperature reconstructions—GISS through September 2018 and HADCRUT4 and NOAA NCEI (formerly NOAA NCDC) through…

Apollo astronaut & scientist rejects IPCC climate report

Apollo 17 moonwalker Dr. Harrison Schmitt rejects UN climate report: ‘The observations that we make as geologists…do not show any evidence that human beings are causing this’ NYT asks Geologist…