Claim: Global Warming Will Cause More Child Marriages

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The ongoing effort by climate advocates to find a way to make us care about their failed cause has reached a new low, with a…

#PodestaEmails – Green group asks Hillary campaign manager to 'put pressure on TV networks' to link severe weather and climate

From the “say anything” department, comes this email where the League of Conservation Voters asks Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta to “…help us pressure the evening news programs at CBS,…

Hump Day Hilarity: 'feel the pain of climate change' – 'become the coral'

From Smithsonian magazine and the ocean acidification stupid, it burns! department comes this giant load of crap masquerading as science. No really, that’s what it is. From the article: It’s…

Claim: Why ice ages occur every 100,000 years

From CARDIFF UNIVERSITY Why does our planet experience an ice age every 100,000 years? Deep storage of carbon dioxide in the oceans may have triggered this unexplained phenomena, new research…

Harvard: Climate change to affect election, in 2099!

From Harvard and the “timing is everything” department comes this “models gone wild” projection that’s sure to upset zealots who think climate change is affecting the election NOW. Oh, wait,…

Here we go again: Climate Study embraces 'Day After Tomorrow' movie scenario

From the University of Sheffield and “The Day After Tomorrow” department comes this climate disaster movie plot wherein global warming, er, climate change, cause the polar jet stream to go…

Madness: climate 'projections' can now be used as evidence to list endangered species

From the Center for Biological Diversity and the “data, we don’t need no steekin data!” department: Appeals Court Reinstates Endangered Species Act Protections for Bearded Seals Judges Cite Loss of…

The Global Price of Coal has Done a Hockey Stick

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Coal, particularly “coking coal” used for smelting steel, has staged a tremendous comeback in the last few months, thanks to a large scale Chinese buying…

HadCRUT Adjustments and the 1.5°C Tipping Point. (Now Includes September Data Except for HadCRUT)

Guest Post by Werner Brozek, Edited by Just The Facts: A new HadCRUT4.5 data set came out last month. HadCRUT4.5 replaces HadCRUT4.4. In an earlier post, I commented on how…

Methane Madness: The Battle for our Grasslands and Livestock

By Viv Forbes (Earth Scientist, Grass Farmer, Sheep & Cattle Breeder, Australia) and Dr Albrecht Glatzle (Agronomist and grazier, Paraguay) With assistance and support from: Howard Crozier (Ex CSIRO Admin,…

MIT: traditional incandescent light bulbs, reinvented, may make a comeback

From MIT News: Researchers combine the warm look of traditional light bulbs with 21st-century energy efficiency Traditional light bulbs, thought to be well on their way to oblivion, may receive…

Breaking: Intervention in the Plans of AGs United for the Unconstitutional Power

Leo Goldstein writes via email: I have just filed a motion to intervene in the ExxonMobil v AG Healey (4:16-cv-00469-K) lawsuit, currently pending before the U.S. District Court for the…

The horror! Atmospheric CO2 concentration at Syowa Station in Antarctica exceeds 400 ppm

From the RESEARCH ORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS and “it’s just a number” department, comes this breathless press release. Atmospheric CO2 concentration at Syowa Station in Antarctica exceeds 400 ppm…

Oh noes! UBC researcher worries global warming may harm predator and prey connections

From the UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OKANAGAN CAMPUS and the department of “Owls always take the air temperature before they hunt” comes this inanity. They really do stay awake at night…

The 'world's most respected science journal' Nature starts on the road to Perdition

I never in my life thought I’d see this article, never. I witnessed the corruption of National Geographic and Scientific American into political cesspools, but I never thought this would…

Claim: reconstructing climate from 300 million years ago from fossils says we're in trouble now

From the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – DAVIS What the ancient CO2 record may mean for future climate change Deep-time reconstruction shows tropical forests can deeply impact climate change The last time…

Exeter University: "No evidence climate change boosts coffee plant disease"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Telegraph – the “end of coffee” climate scare story which has been circulating recently has just been exposed as nonsense by a new study…

Study: lakes started oxygenation problems long before fertilizers and climate change – blame urbanization

From the INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE – INRS Urbanization: The historical cause of low oxygen conditions in European lakes The secrets lake sediments have to share A new study…

Ridicule and Dismal Science

Guest essay by Tom Scott Do you recall the last presidential election season, when the New York Times, Washington Post, and other media giants ridiculed those who argued that the…

Monday Mirthiness: a new 'Stern version' of 'Hansen's Bulldog'

Over the weekend, David Rose published a scathing expose of Lord Stern’s Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) and it’s misuse of scientific literature (claiming works as their own)…

Study: Papal letter, Laudato Si' fails to inspire Catholics on 'climate change'

From Springer: Despite papal letter, Catholics and the public politically divided on climate change Pope’s 2015 warning about global warming failed to rally broad support for climate action Among Catholics…

The Clinton Renewables Plan would Create "Green Jobs" – But would also Destroy Real Jobs

Guest essay by Eric Worrall When is job creation a bad thing? The answer of course is when the new jobs make something more expensive. Economic growth occurs when efficiency…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #245

The Week That Was: 2016-10-22 (October 22, 2016) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy…

How To “Green-Wash” A (Carbon-Intensive) State

Guest essay by Phil Hutchings Coming back to live in Brisbane after a couple of years away, I was staggered to find the Queensland Government is running TV advertisements to…