Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

SEPP_logoThe Week That Was: 2014-08-09 (August 9, 2014) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project

Quote of the Week: “He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that.” – John Stuart Mill [H/t Climate Etc.]

Number of the Week: 20%

THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

New Low? Some reporters have attempted to link the outbreak of Ebola, a viral hemorrhagic fever, with global warming/climate change. Normally, these assertions are not worth discussing. But, the Richmond Times-Dispatch hit a new low. Its editorial writers proclaimed that scientists who challenge the claim that carbon dioxide emissions are the principal cause of global warming are similar to those native Africans who claim that Ebola cannot be caused by a virus they cannot see.

The editorial fails to distinguish that the position of the former group is based on science, while the position of the latter group is based on the lack of scientific knowledge – superstition.

Those who challenge the scientific claims in the Summary for Policymakers in the Fifth Assessment Report (AR-5, 2013) of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other reports that dutifully mimic them, do so by asserting the physical scientific basis for these claims are far from compelling. Further, climate models on which the reports heavily rely are failing The models should not be used for policy decisions. For the Times-Dispatch to equate the science of one group with the superstition of another group borders on obscene.

According to the US Centers for Disease control, Ebola is a virulent hemorrhagic fever that can be transferred directly from human-to-human or from human-to-instrument-to-human through body fluids, a vector is not needed, once humans are infected. The animal host of the virus is not known, but bats are suspected. Assuming outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever are caused by global warming/climate change is pure speculation.

For example, yellow fever is a less virulent hemorrhagic fever, yet dangerous to humans. In 1793, long before 19th and 20th century warming, the US city of Philadelphia suffered a severe yellow fever epidemic which killed, perhaps, 5,000, 10 percent of its inhabitants, and many more fled the city. The suspected cause was fever in refugees from what is now Haiti, in the Caribbean. See links under Communicating Better to the Public – Go Personal, http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/about.html and http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/spb/mnpages/dispages/vhf.htm


Model Issues: The July 12 TWTW carried an interesting article by Robert Caprara, who spent 10 years building large-scale environmental computer models and was a consultant to the EPA. Mr. Caprara asserted that any model can be tweaked to yield a desired result, which he did for his EPA client.

The article resulted in several follow-up letters of interest. Robert Foxen, who states he is a former chairman of an EPA task force deciding construction grant funding, agrees with Mr. Caprara, sometimes models are manipulated to produce desired outcomes. Mr. Foxen asserts that “if the model cannot be verified, then it wouldn’t be suitable for making policy decisions, and it would be necessary to further revise the model to assure it can predict future conditions.” He also asserts that the coefficients and assumptions in the climate models that fail to produce accurate predictions need to be adjusted, then verified, before they are suitable for policy conditions. The climate modelers are saying: “Don’t confuse me with the facts.” These letters indicate that the EPA knows that it is producing deficient science to justify its policies.

Charles Battig cleverly brings up what he calls the Pygmalion syndrome where some modelers fall in love with their model, even if it is in error. Having begun his professional career designing mathematical models, this author will attest that the sirens’ song is extremely strong and it is very difficult to abandon a beautiful, but flawed, model of one’s creation. See Articles # 1 and #2.


Terms: Matt Briggs has an interesting post on his web site regarding language being use to describe the products of the climate models estimates about the future. No matter what term is used; forecasts, scenarios, or projections; the failure to make good estimates is still failure. See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy.


Portugal: Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt compare actual data with the claims of two Portuguese academics who were review editors for the Physical Science section of AR-5, The German scientists found that the claims for the impacts of global warming/climate change were not supported by actual data. They reveal that 140-year measurements from two locations in Portugal shows a relationship between temperatures and solar influences, particularly in the winter, as well as a relationship between temperatures and the North-Atlantic Oscillation index.

Also, sediment core data and other data show that the temperatures were warmer in the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) than today. They assert the MWP coincides with a phase of high solar activity. These and other studies they discuss show that climate is constantly changing, a fact that is glossed over by the IPCC and its mimics. Whether or not what applies for the area around Portugal applies for the rest of the world is an issue that needs further research before drastic policies are implemented. See links under Science: Is the Sun Rising? and Challenging the Orthodoxy.


A New Hot (Cold) Spot? If the Earth’s surface is warming appreciably, whatever the cause, based on theory there should be an amplified warming trend centered over the tropics at about 10 km (33,000 feet). Such a warming trend was erroneously called the distinct human fingerprint. As discussed in the July 12 TWTW, writing in the otherwise alarmist “State of the Climate in 2013” John Christy calculates that the warming trend between 20º S and 20º N is +0.069 ºC per decade, based on both radiosondes (weather balloons) and satellites (starting in 1979). This is hardly cause for alarm, and a pronounced hot spot is not found.

Now, the Climate Establishment is coming up with a new human fingerprint – stratospheric cooling. To date, the science behind the claim that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would cause stratosphere cooling is less than adequate. Arguments include that the stratosphere is more sensitive to increased CO2 and less disturbed by natural variability of water vapor. According to this logic, a better measurement of human-caused warming is cooling? Further, it was amplification of warming caused by increased atmospheric water vapor that was the justification for high-end warming claims. It appears the Climate Establishment is living in interesting (desperate) times. See link under Measurement Issues.


Aerosols Again? A new study used satellite measurements of aerosol levels [tiny droplets or small particles] in the atmosphere from 2006 to 2011. The thinking is aerosol levels alter the amount of cloud cover and change the properties of clouds. The researchers found each effect to be of similar magnitude — that is, changing the amount of the clouds and changing their internal properties are both equally important in their contribution to cooling our planet. Moreover, they found that the total impact from the influence of aerosols on this type of cloud is almost double that estimated in the latest report of the IPCC.

There are several issues here. Assuming the paper holds up to further review, the certainty expressed by the IPCC in the Summary for Policymakers becomes far less certain. The models need to be changed. The time frame of the study is a period of a no-warming trend. How do the aerosol levels in this period compare with aerosol levels during the warming period? It is possible that this question cannot be answered. See link under Model Issues.


Funding Green: The August 2 TWTW, briefly discussed a minority staff report by the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works revealing an interlocking network of foundations and charities that are intensely involved in expanding government powers and limiting energy use in the US. The discussion omitted several disturbing findings in the report.

Public charities attempt to provide the maximum amount of control to their donors through fiscal sponsorships, which are a legally suspect innovation unique to the left, whereby the charity essentially sells its nonprofit status to a group for a fee. [Boldface added]

Also: Under President Obama, EPA has given more than $27 million in taxpayer-funded grants to major environmental groups.

See link under Funding Issues.


Additions and Corrections: Reader Jim Cooper asked why the West Antarctic ice sheet is slowly melting (adding to sea level rise) even as Antarctica is cooling. The answers are at least two-fold. One, the earth is warmer than it was during the last ice age and the oceans transport this heat under the ice sheet; and, two, the land under the west Antarctic ice sheet is tectonically active. For example, http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/antarctica.html

The August 2 TWTW pointed out that US National Health Statistics attributed twice the number of deaths due to cold than due to heat. The omitted ink for that report is under Changing Weather.

Reader Anton Garett correctly pointed out that TWTW erred in stating tanks were used in the first day of the Battle of the Somme on July 1, 1916. Instead, tanks were first used in the Battle of Flers–Courcelette, which was the third and final general offensive during the Battle of the Somme mounted by the British, and supported by Canadian and New Zealand Divisions. The offensive started on September 15, 1916. It failed to achieve the breakthrough British General Haig desired. Mr. Garett also correctly points out that there is no general consensus among military historians about what should have been done. As always, TWTW appreciates additions and corrections from its readers.


Number of the Week – 20%. The article by Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt reminded TWTW that the European Union committed at least 20% of its 2014 to 2020 budget to “fight” climate change. The estimated budget for the period is about 960 billion euros. At least during WW I, the countries could identify their enemy. Today, it is not clear what the enemy is – what is the principle cause of climate change? See link under Funding Issues and




For the numbered articles below, please see this week’s TWTW at: www.sepp.org. The articles are at the end of the pdf.

1. Computer Modeling and the Objectivity of the Process

By Robert Foxen, Former Chairman, EPA Task Force, WSJ, Jul 20, 2014


Unless climate models are verified with actual data, there is no assurance that expenditures to reduce CO2 emissions would result in any environmental benefit.

2. When Love of a Model Transcends the Facts

Pygmalion syndrome: Some modelers succumb to falling in love with their model, even if it proves to be in error.

By Charles Battig, VA-SEEE, WSJ, Aug 7, 2014


3. Notable & Quotable: Climate Change Unreason

Policies invoked in its name are grossly immoral.

From an essay by Former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson, WSJ, Aug 3, 2014


4. Pushing Back Against Obama’s War on Coal

A dozen states filed suit on Friday to stop an ideological EPA campaign that will damage the U.S. economy.

By Mike Kelly, WSJ, Aug 3, 2014




Science: Is the Sun Rising?

A 3,000-Year Record of Solar Activity

By Staff Writers, CO2 Science, Aug 6, 2014


Commentary: Is the Sun Rising?

Is It The Sun?

By Jack Dini, Canada Free Press, Aug 6, 2014


Climategate Continued

WG2 Misleads on Undernourishment Trend

By Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit, Aug 7, 2014


“Why didn’t IPCC clearly report the long-term decline in undernourishment during a period of temperature increase? This is information that is relevant to policy-makers.”

[SEPP Comment: FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.]

Suppressing Scientific Inquiry

Danish Professor Sacked For Highlighting Dangers Of Wind Turbine Noise

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Aug 6, 2014


Fear of a serious factual discussion: Climate alarmists pressure BBC to censorship of the public climate debate

By Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian Lüning, Translated P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Aug 8, 2014


Challenging the Orthodoxy – IPCC-9

Skeptics Gather in Las Vegas

By Steve Fiscor, Coal Age, Jul 17, 2014 [H/t Taylor Smith]


Challenging the Orthodoxy

CO2 data might fit the IPCC hypothesis, but it doesn’t fit reality

By Tim Ball, WUWT, Aug 5, 2014


Surprising facts about climate change in Portugal: Why the climate catastrophe is not happening

By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt, WUWT, Aug 5, 2014


There Is No Difference Between A Forecast, A Scenario, or A Projection

By Matt Briggs, His Blog, Aug 7, 2014 [H/t Bishop Hill]


New Study Sees Atlantic Warming behind a Host of Recent Climate Shifts

By Andrew Revkin, NYT, Aug 3, 2014 [H/t Clyde Spencer]


[SEPP Comment: Quote from Carl Wunsch: “Just because it was published in Nature or Science doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”]

The central climate fallacy is that the unknowns are known

By Christopher Monckton, WUWT, Aug 3, 2014


Defending the Orthodoxy

10 reasons to be hopeful that we will overcome climate change

From action in China and the US to falling solar costs and rising electric car sales, there is cause to be hopeful

By Karl Mathiesen, Guardian, UK, Jul 30, 2014


Shattering Myths to Help the Climate

By Robert Frank, NYT, Aug 2, 2014 [H/t Tom Hayward]


[SEPP Comment: Shattering old myths by creating new myths?]

Questioning the Orthodoxy

‘Hoodwinking the Nation’ on climate issues

By Charles Battig, M.D. VA-Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment, WUWT, Aug 7, 2014


Global Warming Pause Puts ‘Crisis’ In Perspective

By James Taylor, Forbes, Aug 7, 2014


Some Climate Change Survey Questions I’d Like to See

By Roy Spencer, His Blog, Aug 4, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Many polls have little value for reasons Spencer briefly describes. His first question is rich: Do you deny that climate has always changed, even without the help of humans?]

The Greatest Climate Myths of All – Part 3: The Global Average Chimera

By Jim Steele, WUWT, Aug 4, 2014


New paper finds another non-hockey-stick in Sweden & Finland; temperatures in Medieval & Roman Warm Periods ~ same as today

By Staff Writer, The Hockey Schtick, Aug 5, 2014


Link to paper: Testing long-term summer temperature reconstruction based on maximum density chronologies obtained by reanalysis of tree-ring data sets from northernmost Sweden and Finland

By V. V. Matskovsky and S. Helama, Climate of the Past, Aug 2014


Somebody in psychology finally ‘gets it’ about Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook and their ‘smear science’

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Aug 6, 2014


The End of Academic Debate: A Climate of Totalitarianism

By Andrew Follett, Townhall Aug 8, 2014 [H/t Clyde Spencer]


Social Benefits of Carbon

International Team Of Scientists Refute Alarmist Desertification Projections…Sahel Precipitation Rising, Vegetation Spreading!

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Aug 7, 2014


Problems in the Orthodoxy

BASIC nations vow to take united stand against rich nations over climate change negotiations

By Vishwa Mohan, The Times of India, Aug 8, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Seeking a Common Ground

“Why has there been no global warming for the past decade?”

Colloquia by William Happer, Princeton University, at University of North Carolina

September 8, 215 Phillips Hall, 4pm


Engagement vs communication vs PR vs propaganda

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Aug 8, 2014


Is the road to scientific hell paved with good moral intentions?

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Aug 4, 2014


Importance of intellectual and political diversity in science

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Aug 6, 2014


Introducing the WUWT CO2 Reference Page

By Just The Facts, WUWT, Aug 2, 2014


The record of recent Man-made CO2 emissions: 1965 -2013

By Ed Hoskins, WUWT, Aug 3, 2014


Review of Recent Scientific Articles by NIPCC

For a full list of articles see www.NIPCCreport.org

Simulations of Mediterranean and Northern Africa Precipitation

Reference: Perez-Sanz, A., Li, G., Gonzalez-Samperiz, P. and Harrison, S.P. 2014. Evaluation of modern and mid-Holocene seasonal precipitation of the Mediterranean and northern Africa in the CMIP5 simulations. Climate of the Past 10: 551-568.


Can Earth’s Two Hemispheres Get Their Climatic Act Together?

Reference: Neukom, R., Gergis, J., Karoly, D.J., Wanner, H., Curran, M., Elbert, J., Gonzalez-Rouco, F., Linsley, B.K., Moy, A.D., Mundo, I., Raible, C.C., Steig, E.J., van Ommen, T., Vance, T., Villalba, R., Zinke, J. and Frank, D. 2014. Inter-hemispheric temperature variability over the past millennium. Nature Climate Change 4: 362-367.


[SEPP Comment: Found a Little Ice Age in the Southern Hemisphere data, but not a Medieval Warm Period. Suggests that models overstate the external [CO2] forcing relative to internal climate variability.]

Millennial-Scale Climate Variability During the Holocene

Reference: Khider, D., Jackson, C.S. and Stott, L.D. 2014. Assessing millennial-scale variability during the Holocene: A perspective frm the western tropical Pacific. Paleoceanography 29: 10.1002/2013PA002534.


“…it appears that the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration varied but little until the rapid rise of the last century, so as to make it impossible for CO2 fluctuations to have had anything at all to do with prior warming or cooling events of the Holocene, which implies that something other than the historical rise in the air’s CO2 content has likely been responsible for the most recent and concurrent warming of the globe, since such has had to have been the case in similar century-scale warmings of the past.”

A Real-Life Non-Calcifying Anthozoan-Symbiodinium Symbiosis

Reference: Jarrold, M.D., Calosi, P., Verberk, W.C.E.P., Rastrick, S.P.S., Atfield, A. and Spicer, J.I. 2013. Physiological plasticity preserves the metabolic relationship of the intertidal non-calcifying anthozoan-Symbiodinium symbiosis under ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449: 200-206.


[SEPP Comment: Species exhibiting a plasticity needed to adapt to changing environments.]

Models v. Observations

And this excuse makes 30. Dueling press releases on ‘the pause’, blaming Pacific Trade Winds on ‘Atlantic warming’

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Aug 3, 2014


El Niño is just not paying attention to climate models – looks like a bust

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Aug 7, 2014


Model Issues

Study of aerosols stands to improve climate models

By Staff Writer, Science Daily, Aug 6, 2014


Link to paper: Satellite-based estimate of global aerosol–cloud radiative forcing by marine warm clouds

By Yi-Chun Chen, et al. Nature Geoscience, Aug 3, 2014


Measurement Issues

What stratospheric hotspot?

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Aug 4, 2014


Changing Weather

Deaths Attributed to Heat, Cold, and Other Weather Events in the United States, 2006–2010

By Jeffrey Berko, et al, National Health Statistics Reports, Jul 30, 2014


Any more extreme weather, and we’re back to the LIA

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Aug 7, 2014


Officials predict mild Atlantic hurricane season

By Timothy Cama, The Hill, Aug 8, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Increased its calculated probability of a mild season.]

Leaked Memo Gives Away Dems’ ‘Extreme Weather’ Talking Points

By Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, Aug 1, 2014 [H/t William Readdy]


New research links tornado strength, frequency to climate change

By Staff Writers, Tallahassee FL (SPX), Aug 07, 2014


[SEPP Comment: How much of this claimed trend is the result of better instrumentation that measures tornados that could have not been measured in the past?]

Changing Climate

Climate Change Not so Global

By Eric Worrall, WUWT, Aug 4, 2014


Link to paper: The early rise and late demise of New Zealand’s last glacial maximum

By Rother et al. PNAS, Jul 28, 2014


Receding Swiss glaciers inconveniently reveal 4000 year old forests – and make it clear that glacier retreat is nothing new

By Larry Bell, WUWT, Aug 8, 2014


Changing Seas

Ancient shellfish remains rewrite 10,000-year history of El Niño cycles

By Hannah Hickey, Univ. of Washington, Aug 8, 2014 [H/t WUWT]


Link to paper: Holocene history of ENSO variance and asymmetry in the eastern tropical Pacific

By Matthieu Carré et al. Science, Aug 7, 2014


Role of Atlantic warming(?) in recent climate shifts

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Aug 5, 2014


[SEPP Comment: See link immediately above.]

Remember The “Very Early Warning Of Next El Niño” Paper By Ludescher? “False-Alarm Rates Below 0.1″!

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Aug 2, 2014


Coral atolls are safe

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Aug 2, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Islands growing faster than sea level rise?]

Ocean’s most oxygen-deprived zones to shrink under climate change

By Hannah Hickey, Univ of Washington, Aug 7, 2014 [H/t Climate Change Weekly]


[SEPP Comment: Unable to find link to study. Doubtful if the bureaucrats calculating the social cost of carbon will include it.]

Changing Cryosphere – Land / Sea Ice

Predictions of Arctic summer ice melt come with lots of uncertainty

By Yereth Rosen, Alaska Dispatch News, Aug 1, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


[SEPP Comment: As do predictions of global warming.]

Analysis Of Antarctic Peninsula Temperature Trends Shows it Runs Both Hot and Cold

By Paul Homewood, WUWT, Aug 6, 2014


Changing Earth

Study: Large volcanic eruptions cause drought in eastern China

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Aug 5, 2014


Certain Arctic lakes store more greenhouse gases than they release

By Staff Writers, Arlington VI (SPX), Aug 05, 2014


Burrowing animals may have been key to stabilizing Earth’s oxygen

By Staff Writers, Odense, Denmark (SPX), Aug 07, 2014


New NASA Research Shows Giant Asteroids Battered Early Earth

By Staff Writers, Moffet Field CA (NASA), Aug 01, 2014


Agriculture Issues & Fear of Famine

More Crop for the Drop

By Henry Miller, Project Syndicate, Aug 7, 2014


The Ignorance of Climate Alarmism

By Doug L. Hoffman, The Resilient Earth, Aug 6, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


[SEPP Comment: Secretary of State John Kerry demonstrating why he earned the 2014 SEPP’s April Fools Award.]

Kerry pushes ‘climate-smart agriculture’

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Aug 4, 2014


[SEPP Comment: See link immediately above]

Un-Science or Non-Science?

Mercury in the global ocean

By Staff Writers, Woods Hole MA (SPX), Aug 07, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Perhaps the conclusion that: “It likely means some fish also contain at least three times more mercury than 150 years ago, but it could be more” could be tested by comparing samples flesh taken today with samples stored in the Smithsonian.]

Communicating Better to the Public – Exaggerate, or be Vague?

Global climate pact won’t keep warming below target, study says

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Aug 6, 2014


[SEPP Comment: The models are failing, our knowledge of the influence of CO2 on temperatures is poor, but we can set policy for temperatures 40 years from now?]

Network Coverage of ‘Extreme Weather’ Up Nearly 1,000 Percent

Ten years ago ABC, CBS and NBC barely used the phrase, now they go to extremes despite scientific disagreement.

By Sean Long, MRC Business and Media Institute, Jul 15, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Yong wrong

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Aug 5, 2014


1980s Dire Warnings Of Acid Rain / Forest Die-Off Prove To Be Pure Fallacy From Hysterical Scientists

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Aug 5, 2014


[SEPP Comment: All rain is acidic. But that did not stop people from “doing science” by testing the rain with litmus paper that cannot measure pH, but only indicate if the rain is alkaline or acidic.]

120 years of climate scares

By Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, Aug 4, 2014


Dodgy new clarification of global polar bear population estimate (yes, another)

By Susan Crockford, Polar Bear Science, Aug 5, 2014


Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.

WH: Climate change fuels intense fire seasons

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Aug 5, 2014


Link to video: It Only Takes Three Minutes to See Why We Must Act on Climate Change


[SEPP Comment: President’s science adviser John Holdren, again. See link under Environmental Industry.]

A few PR Giants won’t help “deniers of climate change” (but 70% of PR giants will)

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Aug 5, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Exposing another contrived claim.]

Climate disagreements: do PR firms matter?

By Luboš Motl, The Reference Frame, Aug 5, 2014


[SEPP Comment: See link immediately above.]

Today’s Climate Embarrassment

By Steve Hayward, Aug 5, 2014


[SEPP Comment: More on the above. Examples of ads that have not convinced the world we must act on climate change now!]

Scientists warn time to stop drilling in the dark

By Staff Writers, Vancouver, Canada (SPX), Aug 05, 2014


[SEPP Comment: We cannot produce any evidence to substantiate these “threats”, but they must be significant.]

Communicating Better to the Public – Go Personal.

Alexander Zaitchik Of Media Matters Completely Botches Story, Gets Every Fact Wrong

From Die kalte Sonne, Translated by P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Aug 3, 2014


Editorial: Ebola in America

Editorial, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Aug 5, 2014


Communicating Better to the Public – Use Propaganda on Children.

EPA chief: Teach climate change in schools

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Aug 8, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Is the EPA capable of producing a scientifically accurate education program?]

Expanding the Orthodoxy

Enhanced international cooperation needed in Antarctica

By Staff Writers, Melbourne, Australia (SPX) Aug 07, 2014


Geoscience Day on Capitol Hill – Congressional Visit Day (CVD)

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Policy Program, Sep 17 & 18 [H/t Joe D’Aleo]


[SEPP Comment: Given the quality of the latest report, “State of the Climate in 2013”, one can speculate on the accuracy in this lobbying effort.]

Risky Business: The Best Global Warming Alarmism Money Can Buy

By Paul Chesser, NL&PC, Aug 5, 2014 [H/t Cooler Heads]


[SEPP Comment: The report does not meet minimal standards required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for solicitation of funds from the public.]

White House report understates impact of climate change

By Bob Ward, The Hill, Aug 7, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Cites the highly questionable Risky Business report and the National Climate Assessment. See link immediately above.]

Questioning European Green

Protesting too much

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Aug 8, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Exposing the UK National Trust for what it is. It described itself as the becoming the new green army.]

Renewable Energy Expert Fritz Vahrenholt Calls Germany’s Feed-In Act Obsolete…”On The Brink Of Failure”

The EEG feed-in subsidy is an obsolete model

By Fritz Vahrenholt, Translated P. Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Aug 4, 2014


Green plan causes air pollution, may kill thousands in the UK, thanks to dirty diesel

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Aug 4, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Skeptical about the science behind many premature deaths claims. But, such articles should give regulators pause before they announce new health initiatives before careful and through research – doubtful.]

Kingfisher: Energy cost ‘biggest household fear’ in Europe

By Emma Simpson, BBC, Aug 3, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Questioning Green Elsewhere

‘Green’ Initiatives Cripple Capitalism

By Larry Bell, Newsmax, Aug 6, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Prefer the term private enterprise to capitalism.]

The hidden persuaders of the environmental elite

By Ron Arnold, Washington Examiner, Aug 5, 2014


Non-Green Jobs

One of the most remarkable energy success stories in US history: The amazing Marcellus shale gas boom

By Mark Perry, AEIdeas, Aug 6, 2014 [H/t Timothy Wise]


Funding Issues

REPORT: The Chain of Environmental Command

By Minority Staff, Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, Jul 30, 2014


Europe Devotes 20 Percent of Budget to Climate Spending

By Staff Writer, Environment News Service, Nov 20, 2013 [H/t WUWT]


Priorities and goals for aid

Choosing what to put in place of the Millennium Development Goals

By Matt Ridley, Rational Optimist, Aug 2, 2014


Your Pocket, Their Money

By Michael Kile, Quadrant, Aug 4, 2014


The Political Games Continue

Sen. Murray tells Dems to push fiscal impacts of climate change

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Aug 1, 2014


Litigation Issues

Coal country sues EPA over climate rule

By Benjamin Goad, The Hill, Aug 4, 2014


Greens to sue EPA over aircraft emissions

By Timothy Cama, The Hill, Aug 5, 2014


Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes

Hansen Warns Against ‘Cap-and-Tax’ (Steyer and California, are you listening?)

By Robert Bradley Jr, Master Resource, Aug 4, 2014


Subsidies and Mandates Forever

UK invites views on heavy energy users’ compensation eligibility

By Priyanka Shrestha, Energy Live News, Aug 1, 2014 [H/t Bishop Hill]


[SEPP Comment: Politicians and bureaucrats selecting which industries to support and which industries to abandon.]

EPA and other Regulators on the March

EPA’s plan on climate change fills a void as Congress does nothing

Editorial, Washington Post, Aug 3, 2014


[SEPP Comment: As if the Constitution means nothing.]

EPA’s Gina McCarthy broke the law by destroying official text messages and should resign

By Christopher Horner, Washington Examiner, Aug 5, 2014


New EPA Ozone Regulations Could Cost U.S. Economy $3.4 Trillion

By News Staff, Science 2.0, Aug 3, 2014 [H/t ICECAP]


Energy Issues – Non-US

Obama announces $12 billion investment in African energy sector

By Zack Colman, Washington Examiner, Aug 8, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Even unreliable electricity is better than no electricity.]

Energy Issues — US

Study: Big Oil pays 11.7 percent tax rate

By Tim Devaney, The Hill, Aug 1, 2014


Link to report: Effective Tax Rates of Oil and Gas Companies: Cashing in on Special Treatment

By Staff Writers, Taxpayers for CommonSense, July 2014


[SEPP Comment: The statement “However, oil companies paid more than 46 percent in income taxes to foreign governments where they operate during this time period, according to the report” exposes the misleading headlines.]

US Crude Exports Hit 57-Year High

By Walter Russell Mead and Staff, American Interest, Aug 7, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Oil exports are not significant when compared with imports. Exports 389,000 bbl/d in June, imports at 9,230,000 bbl/d. http://www.moneynews.com/Markets/oil-imports-fuel-jet/2014/07/17/id/583318/]

Washington’s Control of Energy

Coal Miners Union In Full Revolt After Supporting Obama In 2008

By Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, Aug 2, 2014 [H/t Timothy Wise]


Obama tries to impose his August agenda, but…

By Andrew Malcolm, IBD, Aug 5, 2014


Oil and Natural Gas – the Future or the Past?

Armed with new technology, oil drillers revisit Gulf of Mexico

By Swetha Gopinath and Sayantani Ghosh, Reuters, Aug 4, 2014 [H/t Toshio Fujita]


Deep Water Fracking Next Frontier for Offshore Drilling

By David Wethe, Bloomberg, Aug 7, 2014 [H/t Toshio Fujita]


[SEPP Comment: “The technique is also widely condemned as a source of groundwater contamination.” – condemned without evidence!]

UPDATE 1-China finds shale gas challenging, halves 2020 output target

By Staff Writers, Reuters, Aug 7, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


[SEPP Comment: Not all shales are created equal.]

Oil Spills, Gas Leaks & Other Spills & Consequences

Dodgy new clarification of global polar bear population estimate (yes, another)

By Susan Crockford, Polar bear Science, Aug 5, 2014


Nuclear Energy and Fears

Destruction of America’s Nuclear Industry

By Donn Dears, Power For USA, Aug 5, 2014


Letter to the Editor

Wallace Manheimer, APS Physics, Jul 2014


Green groups say EPA rules would weaken radiation standards

By Tim Devaney, The Hill, Aug 4, 2014


[SEPP Comment: The proposed changed rules are still far too restrictive.]

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Other

Biomass burning kills 250,000 people a year

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Aug 2, 2014


Link to paper: Effects of biomass burning on climate, accounting for heat and moisture fluxes, black and brown carbon, and cloud absorption effects.

By Mark Z. Jacobson, Journal of Geophysical Research, Jul 21, 2014


Carbon Schemes

Sequestration’s Nightmare

By Donn Dears, Power For USA, Aug 8, 2014


California Dreaming

California Water Management Fails Epically

By Michael Reagan, ICECAP, Aug 8, 2014


Oh Mann!

NRO’s brief goes online

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Aug 5, 2014


[SEPP Comment: The litigation that Mr. Mann started.]

Environmental Industry

Environmentalists: Shrink Population to Shrink Carbon Footprint

Bly Celina Durgin, National Review Online, Aug 7, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Consistent with the book the President’s science adviser John Holdren co-wrote with Paul and Anne Ehrlich. http://www.amazon.com/Ecoscience-Population-Environment-Paul-Ehrlich/dp/0716700298/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1407615353&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=John+holgren]

How Endangered Species Act litigation means big money for environmental groups

By Sean Higgins, Washington Examiner, Aug 4, 2014


Other Scientific News

$248 Billion for Manufacture and Launch of 1,155 Satellites Over Next Decade

By Staff Writers, Washington DC (SPX), Aug 01, 2014


Ebola And The Miracle Of Pharma

Editorial, IBD, Aug 5, 2014


How spiders spin silk

By Staff Writers, Uppsala, Sweden (SPX) Aug 06, 2014


[SEPP Comment: A benefit of carbon dioxide?]



Boeing and South African Airways to Fly Planes on Tobacco Fuel

By Eduard Gismatulin, Bloomberg, Aug 6, 2014


[SEPP Comment: A new use for sot-weed?]

Can ants save Earth from global warming?

By Staff Writer, The Times of India, Aug 3, 2014



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August 10, 2014 9:36 pm

Here is some news from Australia:
“As Adelaide experienced its coldest morning in 126 years, one-time Summertown resident Ron Harris’s memories went back to late June of 1951 when the hills were last blanketed with snow.”
I wonder if Gore was due to visit?

August 11, 2014 8:13 am

El Nino… TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan’s weather bureau said on Monday it sees less chance of an El Nino weather pattern forming later this year than it previously forecast.
In a monthly online bulletin, the Japan Meteorological Agency said it sees a 50 percent chance of an El Nino, which is often linked to heavy rainfall and droughts.
The agency last month said there was a high chance of an El Nino weather pattern emerging in autumn.
So much for understanding it…