The bombtest curve and its implications for atmospheric carbon dioxide residency time

Studies of Carbon 14 in the atmosphere emitted by nuclear tests indicate that the Bern model used by the IPCC is inconsistent with virtually all reported experimental results. Guest essay…

Skeptic movies meet their goal whereas alarmist ones do not

From a submission by WUWT reader Benoît Rittaud and the “avert your eyes” department comes this bit of inconvenient psychology. The Journal of Environment Psychology just published a (paywalled) paper…

Claim: 'Recent El Niño behavior is largely beyond natural variability'

From the University of Hawaii at Manoa: El Nino unusually active in the late 20th century Spawning droughts, floods, and other weather disturbances world-wide, the El Niño – Southern Oscillation…

Heat Waves Validate the Skeptics

Essay by Jim Steele, Director emeritus, Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University The heat wave and near record-breaking temperatures in Death Valley provides a superb teaching moment to…

A Very Ridiculous Comment by the Author of a Recent SkepticalScience Post

I returned to a recent post at SkepticalScience to examine what the author had to say about two papers: Meehl et al (2011) and Meehl et al (2013). [We discussed…

Drilling For Hydrogen

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach As a result of my post on energy storage entitled Getting Energy From The Energy Store, a few people brought up the idea of replacing…