Gore blowback on severe weather links to climate

Uh oh, when you’ve lost the Guardian, you can be pretty sure you’ve lost middle America.

Friday Funny – The newest member of the Union of Concerned Scientists

Readers may recall this story a few weeks back: Be a “concerned scientist” – valid credit card required Reader DJ writes in Tips & Notes: Since becoming a member of the…

Guardian: UK carbon capture project close to collapse

Another billion plus down the drain. I guess it wasn’t “sustainable”.

Turning CO2 into fuel

From the University of Illinois – Ionic liquid catalyst helps turn emissions into fuel University of Illinois chemical and biological engineering professor Paul Kenis and his research group joined forces…

Ozone layer discovered on Venus

From the European Space Agency: ESA finds that Venus has an ozone layer too ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft has discovered an ozone layer high in the atmosphere of Venus. Comparing…