Pew Poll: global warming dead last, down from last year

It seems that the public just doesn’t share the worry some of the activists have. From the Pew Research Center Global Warming and the Environment Dealing with global warming ranks…

Du Jour-gate flavor: Amazon

The IPCC “Flavor of the day”-gate is now the Amazon Rain Forest. What will tomorrow’s flavor be? James Delingpole of the Telegraph says this better than I ever could, so…

The IPCC: More Sins of Omission – Telling the Truth but Not the Whole Truth

Guest post by Indur M. Goklany In an earlier post, The IPCC: Hiding the Decline…, I argued that even more egregious than the IPCC’s mistaken claim that Himalayan glaciers would…

Loophole in UK FOIA law will apparently allow CRU to avoid prosecution

It appears that poorly crafted law is going to mean no prosecutions for any of the CRU collaborators in the now famous leaked emails and documents. This from The Bishop…