Kidney Stones and Global Warming – Again

This bizarre story is once again in the news, thanks to pillars of journalism like Time Magazine covering it, it is now a wide topic of discussion.

I’ll point out that I covered this story when it was a “nobody”, on May 16th.

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Steve Moore
July 16, 2008 6:26 pm

I can hardly wait for the comments from this group.
Over at The Register, they had this to say:

July 16, 2008 6:30 pm

Actually, I like to see this stuff… especially coming from the likes of Time Ragazine. People are getting fed up with this nonsense and the more the Pogies put it out, the more their credibility goes down the tubes. And let’s face it, the media’s rated lower than whale poop right now. Give them a bit more time and they’ll have to look up to see bottom!
Jack Koenig, Editor
The Mysterious Climate project

July 16, 2008 6:30 pm

I tried to post a note on the old story, but got the word “discarded”.
All I was going to say is that Science News ran it. So I added a link to your original story and noted:

“maximize hydration” sounds like stopping just before hyponatremia sets in.

The link mentions that ill-fated “Hold your Wee for a Wii” contest last year in Sacramento.

July 16, 2008 6:33 pm

ABC7 (San Francisco) carried that story in great detail. Embedded towards the end they said the claim “assumes an isolated correlation.” Hmmmm. Seems like weak science to me.
They also reported that the NCDC said Jan – June 2008 was among the warmest on record. 1) I can’t find the NCDC source of the report and 2) that seems to be in total contradiction to the data we’ve seen on this blog.
I think KGO needs some calibration.

July 16, 2008 6:34 pm

Asked my dad, who is a urologist with 40 years in practice about this one and he had only one word for it, “Baloney.”

July 16, 2008 6:46 pm

Here we go again! Another useless bit of derivative fluff parading itself as science.
First make a model and then hold it to be true regardless of actual real world data. Once critical mass is achieved in accepting the model as reality, then use the model to predict all the “proof” necessary to grind civilization to dust.

July 16, 2008 7:13 pm

I also did some documentation of the kidney stone issue in May at: providing documentation of studies linking kidney stones to obesity and HadCRU graphs showing no warming in the US southeast.

July 16, 2008 8:28 pm

This is really something, I had a kidney stone a few years ago. I can now sleep better knowing it was caused by global warming and not some poor dietary choices I was making at the time. 🙂

Patrick Henry
July 16, 2008 8:50 pm

There are many real world health issues which people could be dealing with instead of these imaginary ones 70 years from now.
Jimmy Carter may have been a useless politician and president, but he has done some great work as a humanitarian helping to eradicate disease in Africa. Have a look at his site, and in particular the part about Guinea Worms.
It is disgusting when “health professionals” shirk responsibility to get their 15 minutes of global warming fame.

Fat Man
July 16, 2008 8:52 pm

I had a kidney stone many years ago. It was during the summer. The doctor told me to drink more beer. I followed his advice and I never had another stone. I have become very cheerful too.

Leon Brozyna
July 16, 2008 9:08 pm

It’s a true environmentalist story — it’s been recycled.

Leon Brozyna
July 16, 2008 10:54 pm

Speaking of scientific studies being pushed by the media, here’s the latest from that tower of journalistic integrity reporting on a study that examines a marine die-off 95 million years ago:
Anticipating everyone’s question, yes, of course there’s a tie-in to global warming. Can you imagine the prodigious amount of studies that will have to be redone once the AGW fantasy gets the boot?

July 17, 2008 3:18 am

This fits in with the mental disorder category of “climate change delusion” mentioned a few posts back. As I mentioned, it’s a good thing we’re heading into nto a global COOLING cycle again!

July 17, 2008 4:54 am

The Beeb says in :
“At the time of the anoxic event, the average temperature was nearly twice that of today, researchers say. ”
Is that in today’s degrees (Celcius), yesterday’s degrees (Fahrenheit) or not really degrees for all seasons (Kelvins)?
Whenever I read a comment like that I’m so distracted trying to figure out what they meant that I never absorb the rest of the content.

July 17, 2008 5:11 am

[This may be a duplicate, if so, humble apologies.]
The Beeb says in :
“At the time of the anoxic event, the average temperature was nearly twice that of today, researchers say. ”
Is that in today’s degrees (Celcius), yesterday’s degrees (Fahrenheit) or not really degrees for all seasons (Kelvins)?
Whenever I read a comment like that I’m so distracted trying to figure out what they meant that I never absorb the rest of the content.

July 17, 2008 5:57 am

Actually the story is starting to make sense.
It’s all our retired Canadians moving down south to escape the incessant cold of their igloos.
They forget to increase their hydration once down in the balmy state of Florida and viola, kidney stones.
More and more are retiring to Florida, therefore increased cases of stones.
Why didn’t I see this before, It all makes sense now. We need to get the word out, perhaps a sign at the airports or the state border….
“Hydration is the key to kidney salvation”

July 17, 2008 8:17 pm

Every time I think it is not possible for the hysteria to suck more deeply, something like this comes along and the bottom just opens up.

Russ R.
July 18, 2008 1:54 pm

We need a “Top 100 List” of the things the media will blame on climate alarmism. I offer this tidbit, from the “Why think, when it is so much easier to just blame it on AGW” file:

Evan Jones
July 19, 2008 9:46 pm

This, too, shall pass.