First complete ice core record of last interglacial period shows the climate of Greenland to be significantly warmer than today

Study: ‘ Greenland ice sheet is not as sensitive to temperature increases and to ice melting and running out to sea in warm climate periods ‘. From the University of…

Mars's dramatic climate variations are driven by the Sun

From the University of Copenhagen – something interesting, but not really surprising. It does make me wonder though about dust and carbon soot related to Earth’s own polar ice cap.…

New research in Antarctica shows CO2 follows temperature "by a few hundred years at most"

The question of “which comes first, the temperature or the CO2 rise?” has been much like the proverbial “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question. This seems to…

The 500 year FUD about sea levels

Ah, once again in response to a fearmongering press release, we see the obligatory “NYC is flooded” photoshop trick. But guess what? I’ve already debunked that photo as impossible for…