Are the North Atlantic Currents Strengthening or Weakening?

By contrast, recent empirical studies have challenged the “weakening” hypothesis.

New Study: Modelers Got Aerosols All Wrong…CO2 Climate Sensitivity Likely Another 0.4°C Overstated!

From NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT By P Gosselin on 26. November 2021 Die kalte Sonne reports on a new aerosol study by Liu et al. The results are a major blow to…

Fussing Over One Degree of Simulation

Allowing some historical perspective shows that the IPCC is wrong to label the recent temperature changes ‘unprecedented’. They are not unusual in magnitude, direction or rate of change, which should…

Aerosol formation in clouds

“Our experimental setup allows us for the first time to precisely investigate the distribution of organic vapours at the air-water interface under near-environmental conditions,” says Houssni Lamkaddam, a researcher in…

Heads I Win Tails You Lose: The Canadian Pandemic Model

Comments on the Canadian Health Ministries Latest Sars-Cov-2 Projections

A short comment on statistical versus mathematical modelling

From Nature Communications Andrea Saltelli Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 3870 (2019) | Download Citation While the crisis of statistics has made it to the headlines, that of mathematical…

Emulation, ±4 W/m² Long Wave Cloud Forcing Error, and Meaning

Guest post by Pat Frank My September 7 post describing the recent paper published in Frontiers in Earth Science on GCM physical error analysis attracted a lot of attention, consisting…

Finally, a climate forecast model that works?

Note: Short term predictions are relatively easy, it remains to be seen if this holds up over the long term. I have my doubts. – Anthony Guest post by Frank…