Getting the "right kind of people" onboard

This is a repost from Jeff Id’s Air Vent as it needed the wider circulation that WUWT can offer. I’ve also added the update from comment #9 he refers to.…

A response from Jeff Severinghaus on why the trees don't make good thermometers after 1950 – "I did indeed feel at the time that Mike Mann had not given me a straight answer. "

I had a brief email exchange with Professor Severinghaus about Steve McIntyre’s recent post on his discussion with Mann and others about the divergence problem. I post it without comment,…

Climategate 2.0: Phil Jones and Tom Wigley – calling a scientist "the jerk" over his UHI discoveries in California

I’ve not had time to read through all these emails, but this one really, really Stick in my craw. Dr. Phil Jones and Dr. Tom Wigley respond to this graph…