What are the prospects for the HONEST Act?

By Peter Campion We Aussie climate sceptics are watching on in awe as the new US President begins systematically driving a stake a into the vampire heart of the climate-alarm…

NASA GISS caught changing past data again – violates Data Quality Act

From American Thinker – NASA’s Rubber Ruler By Randall Hoven A funny thing happened on the way to determining how hot 2012 has been on a global basis: temperatures changed…

Nature endorses open source software in journal submissions

Ron Dean writes in Tips and Notes: Interesting article about Nature editorial endorsing open source software for journal submissions. No mention of climate models, but it certainly seems to play…

Report: EPA cut corners on climate finding, ignored Data Quality Act, flouted peer review process

From: The Daily Caller In a report released Wednesday (at Sen. Inhofe’s request, dating back to April) the inspector general found that the EPA failed to follow the Data Quality…