Geoengineering vs. volcanic activity for a cooler climate

[More crazy talk from Carnegie Institute’s Ken Caldiera… Anthony] Washington, DC– Major volcanic eruptions spew ash particles into the atmosphere, which reflect some of the Sun’s radiation back into space…

Another negative climate feedback: more CO2 = more plants = more aerosols = cooling

Recall a couple of days ago that I posted on the aerosols released by trees: Those dirty trees: why hasn’t the EPA called for trees to be regulated? Now, from…

Pollution enhanced thunderstorms warm the planet?

From the DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a new paper in GRL saying something that doesn’t make much sense to me. As shown in the diagram above, thunderstorms transport heat from…

Spencer’s posited 1-2% cloud cover variation found

In a nutshell, with a −1.6%per decade change in cloud cover during 1954–2005, it becomes a climate forcing. While China is not the world, it bears consideration. The Hockey Schtick…

Linked: aerosol pollutants and rainfall patterns

From the University of Maryland Rising air pollution worsens drought, flooding, UMD-led study shows COLLEGE PARK, Md. – Increases in air pollution and other particulate matter in the atmosphere can…

The weekday -vs- weekend weather effect

Hailstorms and tornadoes are more common during the weekday due to human created aerosols. By Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. New Paper “Why Do Tornados And Hail Storms Rest On Weekends”…