The U.S. National Temperature Index, is it based on data? Or corrections?

By Andy May The United States has a very dense population of weather stations, data from them is collected and processed by NOAA/NCEI to compute the National Temperature Index. The…

January 2016 Global Surface (Land+Ocean) and Lower Troposphere Temperature Anomaly Update

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale UPDATE: All graphs with UAH lower troposphere temperature data have been updated from beta version 6.4 to 6.5. Thanks, Nick Stokes. This means Figure 4…

Failed Math: In 1997, NOAA claimed that the Earth was 3.83 degrees warmer than today

Steve McIntyre always told us to “watch the pea under the thimble” when it comes to climate change pronouncements, this is one of those cases. Yesterday, to much media fanfare,…

What NOAA NCEI isn't telling you in their 2014 State of the Climate Report released today

Yesterday I made mention of the fact that there would be a report today from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, now NCEI. Today, they have released their 2014 report, and…

Thanks partly to NOAA's new adjusted dataset, tommorrow they'll claim to reporters that May (and possibly June) was the 'hottest ever'

However, satellite data don’t agree with that finding People send me stuff. Today I got an email with an advance link to the NOAA/NCDC “state of the climate” briefing- that…

NOAA/NCEI Temperature Anomaly Adjustments Since 2010, Pray They Don't Alter It Any Further

Guest Essay By Walter Dnes There is much interest in the latest temperature anomaly adjustments by NOAA/NCEI (formerly known as NOAA/NCDC). This author has been downloading NOAA monthly temperature anomaly…