New John Cook 97% Consensus Climate Change Video

John Cook has released a new video which attacks a climate skeptic straw man, to try to bolster his 97% climate consensus claim.

Self admitted cyber thief Peter Gleick is still on the IOP board that approved the Cook 97% consensus paper

Tonight, I’m surprised to find that Gleick, who stole documents under a false identity, and then likely forged a fake memo sent to MSM outlets is apparently still on the…

John Cook is cooking up more 97% consensus, while two papers refute his statistical sleights of hand

We’ve had the climate wars, now we have the consensus wars, and it appears Cook’s side and his publisher aren’t playing fair with the numbers, or with the review/rebuttal process.…

The Cook '97% consensus' paper, exposed by new book for the fraud that it really is

I don’t like to use the word “fraud”, and I can’t recall if I’ve ever used it in a title. In this case it is warranted. Brandon Shollenberger writes of…

Yes, why DOES John Cook of 'SkepticalScience' and the 97% have to use identity theft in his 'research'?

If it wasn’t enough that John Cook dresses himself up as a Nazi in his SkS uniform on his forum, now we have him caught in what looks to be identity…

Richard Tol’s Excellent Summary of the Flaws in Cook et al. (2013) – The Infamous 97% Consensus Paper

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale It’s been almost 2 years since Cook et al. (2013) Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature was published. If you’re…

A psychologist's scathing review of John Cook's '97% consensus' nonsensus paper

Psychologist José Duarte writes: The Cook et al. (2013) 97% paper included a bunch of psychology studies, marketing papers, and surveys of the general public as scientific endorsement of anthropogenic…

The disagreement over what defines 'endorsment of AGW' by Cook et al. is revealed in raters remarks, and it sure isn't a 97% consensus

The Cook ratings document contains some incredible remarks, one of which is documented here.  According to it, “the training period in the initial stages of the rating period” covered more…

Richard Tol Fights back – with an article in the Guardian showing that Cook's 97% consensus is actually 'nonsensus'

Consensus is irrelevant in science. There are plenty of examples in history where everyone agreed and everyone was wrong. While I admit to being quite surprised they’d allow him equal…

BUSTED: Tol takes on Cook's '97% consensus' claim with a re-analysis, showing the claim is 'unfounded'

A new paper by Dr. Richard Tol published today in ScienceDirect, journal of Energy Policy, shows that the Cook et al. paper claiming that there is a 97% consensus among…

An Open Letter puts the University of Queensland in a dilemma over John Cook's '97% consensus' paper

Rud Istvan, sends this open letter along for publication and writes: This puts UQ on the horns of a terrible dilemma. The preferred political response is always to sweep such a…

John Cook and University of Queensland experience at least 97% of the 'Streisand effect' in the Washington Post

This just in from the “I told you so” and “what the hell were they thinking?” departments, Eugene Volokh writes in The Volokh Conspiracy at the Washington Post: Is it…

University of Queensland threatens lawsuit over use of Cook's '97% consensus' data for a scientific rebuttal

Wow, just wow. Not only have they just invoked the Streisand effect, they threw some gasoline on it to boot. It’s all part of the Climate McCarthyism on display this…

More pear-shaped trouble for John Cook's '97% consensus'

Readers may recall the post John Cook’s 97% consensus claim is about to go ‘pear-shaped’. This is an update to that, in two parts. First is the introduction, and the…

John Cook's 97% consensus claim is about to go 'pear-shaped'

pear shaped (slang) A British expression used to indicate that something has gone horribly wrong with a person’s plans, most commonly in the phrase “It’s all gone pear shaped.”The OED…

Quote of the Week – UEA/CRU scientist disses Cook's 97%

Barry Woods writes via email: A very interesting article, with Mike Hulme dissing the 97% paper along the way. But I think perhaps the most interesting part, is it seems…

Cooks '97% consensus' disproven by a new peer reviewed paper showing major math errors

UPDATE: While this paper (a rebuttal) has been accepted, another paper by Cook and Nuccitelli has been flat out rejected by the journal Earth System Dynamics. See update below. –…

Cook's 97% climate consensus paper crumbles upon examination

Bjørn Lomborg writes on his Facebook Page Ugh. Do you remember the “97% consensus”, which even Obama tweeted? Turns out the authors don’t want to reveal their data. It has…

Quote of the Week – marketing the consensus before it's '97% Cooked'

In the SkS forum discussion about how to create this 97% consensus paper, there was a lot of discussion about how to market it. As far as methodology, quality control,…

97% Undercooked uncertainty

Roman Murieka has a great statistical analysis of the Cook ‘consensus’ paper over at Climate Audit. There’s a surprise result:

Cook's 97% consensus study falsely classifies scientists' papers according to the scientists that published them

UPDATE: More inconsistency: Cook survey included 10 of my 122 eligible papers. 5/10 were rated incorrectly. 4/5 were rated as endorse rather than neutral. — Richard Tol (@RichardTol) May 22,…

Skeptical Science conspiracy theorist John Cook runs another survey trying to prove that false "97% of climate scientists believe in global warming" meme

People send me stuff. Even though I’m supposed to be on break, I thought this worth a few minutes to post up. I have redacted the recipient address as well…

“97% Consensus” — What Consensus?

It appears that Cook and his co-authors manipulated the data to present an altogether untrue narrative of overwhelming support for catastrophic human-caused warming.

Study: 3% Contrarians Derailing the 97% Climate Consensus

According to a new study, the credibility of the alleged 97% climate consensus is so fragile, the 3% who dissent are completely disrupting climate action. And Naomi Oreskes is really…