Bugs “Taste Like Chocolate”: Greens using Madagascar to Field Test Crazy Climate Friendly Conservation Ideas

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t CFACT – What do greens do when they find a fragile, isolated and desperately impoverished nation? The use it as a petri dish for…

Former Defence Chiefs Demand President Trump Desist From Reviewing Climate Change Advice

Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to the defence chiefs it is dangerous for the President to ask a scientist to review the work of other scientists, when that work…

Women Go On BirthStrike Because Of Climate Change

5:46 PM 03/05/2019 | Politics Caitlin McFall | Contributor BirthStrike is the newest movement in the push to advance climate change regulations. At least 60 women have joined the BirthStrike…

Peter Ridd case has been set for 26-28 March with Judge Vasta but yet to have a courtroom assigned.

Information may be found here. For Background https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/12/02/update-on-peter-ridd-legal-action/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/11/05/no-judge-available-to-hear-peter-ridd-in-federal-court/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/06/19/an-update-from-peter-ridd-on-his-legal-case-against-jcu/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/06/11/give-it-up-james-cook-university-even-the-guardian-sympathises-with-climate-skeptic-peter-ridd/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/06/04/update-on-dr-peter-ridd-and-the-firestorm-engulfing-the-bureautwits-jcu/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/05/22/former-aussie-prime-minister-sacking-peter-ridd-was-an-attack-on-science/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/05/18/climate-skeptic-professor-peter-ridd-fired-for-his-views-by-james-cook-university-jcu/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/02/08/peter-ridd-hits-back-at-jcu-james-cook-university-hard/ HT/LdB

Study: Climate change is leading to unpredictable ecosystem disruption for migratory birds

Ithaca, NY–Using data on 77 North American migratory bird species from the eBird citizen-science program, scientists at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology say that, in as little as four decades,…