The sky is falling?!?

Ridiculous report claims humans have killed more than half the world’s wildlife in past 48 years

Greg Walcher

A recent World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report claims humans have killed more than half of all the wildlife in the world since 1970. Alex HortonEmail Bio Follow The report attracted media mass attention, even though the actual 145-page essay doesn’t really say that, much less prove it.

More ironic, the political focus is mostly on countries where the declining wildlife populations do not live, and the solution suggested is so vague it couldn’t possibly address the issue.

The hype about the document, an annual harangue called the “Living Planet Report,” is not surprising, considering the source. This is the same organization that told us a decade ago we would all have to abandon Planet Earth.

“Earth’s population will be forced to colonize two planets within 50 years if natural resources continue to be exploited at the current rate, according to a… study by the WWF. [The study] warns that the human race is plundering the planet at a pace that outstrips its capacity to support life. The report… reveals that more than a third of the natural world has been destroyed by humans over the past three decades.”

That was a remarkable conclusion, especially considering that 71% of the Earth’s surface is water. That means humans would have to have destroyed virtually every square inch of land on Earth for the report to be credible. So it’s incredible that the WWF and its annual report continue to attract media attention.

This year’s diatribe claims almost 60% of all the fish, birds and animals on Earth have been killed by people in two generations. It proposes “a new global deal for nature,” a companion for the Paris Climate treaty. Except unlike Paris, the proposed “new deal for nature” has no numbers and no specific goals. In fact, there is no definition of what the agreement might entail.

Rather, it includes vague suggestions that we’re not locking up enough land from public access, nor creating enough national parks, wildlife refuges, wilderness areas and other “unpeopled” places. For the United States, that means the WWF is not satisfied that laws, regulations and other actions have already prohibited mining, drilling, timber harvesting and other human activities on 427 million acres of federal land. That’s the size of Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming combined, and it does not include state and private lands that have also been closed to most human activity.

The report’s language is decidedly European and American, using policy terms common to the western environmental industry. For example, it discusses the “progress” in removing dams in the USA – levying special criticism on agriculture in the Rio Grande Valley – and approvingly cites efforts to designate more wild and scenic rivers.

It continues the ongoing criticism of western mining, timber production and “unsustainable agriculture,” accusations with which we’re all too familiar. In truth, these people simply want to stop most human uses of land, water and other resources of the American West.

There is another major problem with using this report to further that goal. The wildlife it laments do not live in the American West. Many are found in countries where energy-deprived, jobless, hungry, desperate people cut down forest habitats for fuel, eat wildlife to survive, and kill other species to sell their ivory, horns or meat for a few dollars.

Also, keep in mind that the reported declines in wildlife populations are based on computer modeling, not actual counting of actual animals. Still, even if you give such a report the benefit of the doubt, as many will, the dangers cited are from “warming oceans choked with plastic,” allegedly toppled rain forests, and supposedly dying coral reefs. Thus, populations are said to be tanking worst in the oceans and tropics, including an 89% decrease in South and Central America.

But make no mistake – the U.S. is nonetheless at fault. The report claims “crop failures brought on by climate change” are the reason caravans of Central Americans stream to the United States illegally. That’s why we must “urgently transition to a net carbon-neutral society and halt and reverse nature loss – through green finance and shifting to clean energy and environmentally friendly food production.”

How those terms are defined or implemented in a truly ecological, sustainable manner (more vague, malleable, politicized terms), the report does not say.

In a way, the details in this report may actually disprove its own conclusions. The U.S. and Canada are among the countries that use the most natural resources. Yet the worst wildlife declines are in the tropics, not in North America. The prime examples cited are African elephants, whale sharks, orangutans in Borneo, wandering albatross near Antarctica, jaguars in South America, gharial crocodiles in India and Nepal, and giant salamanders in China.

To note just one example where the WWF gets its “green finance” and “clean energy” facts completely upside down, a major reason orangutans are disappearing is that their habitats are being cleared to make room for palm oil biofuel plantations. How that is ecological or sustainable the WWF does not say.

The World Wildlife Fund is not the only Chicken Little constantly warning of a dire future. A similar article, published in the National Academy of Sciences journal last spring, was even more shocking. It claimed that since the dawn of civilization, humans have caused the loss of 83% of all mammals and half of all plants on Earth.

That’s because, WWF says, “the vast and growing consumption of food and resources by the global population is destroying the web of life.” However, the WWF and many other environmental industry groups, also oppose modern mechanized farming practices and seeds that significantly increase yields, allowing farmers to feed more people from less land. Still more ironies and non sequiturs.

So while you stop driving cars and heating your homes, you might also need to stop eating – while you pack for the trip to some other planet.

If we are not Chicken Little, is the sky still falling?


Greg Walcher is president of the Natural Resources Group and author of “Smoking Them Out: The Theft of the Environment and How to Take it Back,” now in its second printing. He is a former head of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

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December 11, 2018 2:13 am

I sometimes wish that the computer had never been invented. Then these so called scientists would have to leave he comforts of their heated and air conditions offices and actually go out into the real world and count things.

It would be far more accurate than their present chrystal l ball gazing which they much prefer to do.


Ian W
Reply to  Michael
December 11, 2018 3:18 am

They are electronically ‘cloistered’.

Reply to  Ian W
December 11, 2018 7:46 am

Thank you, Ian, “electronically ‘cloistered’” is perfect.


HD Hoese
Reply to  Michael
December 11, 2018 5:54 am

The bright person that started our computer program, ahead of many, warned me that it might not all be good. Long gone, he would have been proven prescient, saddened. We played softball together, he understood field verification.

They are useful tools, like many easy to corrupt. We need to get on with fixing it without throwing out the good parts.

Rick Johnson
December 11, 2018 2:16 am

The same people who wrote this type of report are also the type of people I will try to convince you that man has great influence over the temperature of the globe.

In the next thirty Years, these people will freeze to death.

old white guy
Reply to  Rick Johnson
December 11, 2018 6:00 am

maybe not thirty but it is coming.

Reply to  old white guy
December 16, 2018 6:00 pm

Could be sooner than you think if they start playing God and begin dangerous experiments in the atmosphere to artificially cool it, “accidentally” turning the planet into a snowball.

December 11, 2018 2:23 am

This is another major work of fiction from the World Wildlife Fund. Apart from the nonsense about having eliminated a third of the ‘Natural World’ of Earth, the most mind boggling idea is moving billions of humanity to two other Earths when not a single habitable planet has been identified within hundreds of Light Years of Earth. This is the sort of woolly thinking that gets us nowhere.

Reply to  nicholas tesdorf
December 11, 2018 4:00 am

It’s likely to drum up funds from the gullible (I know a few of them!) IMHO

R Shearer
Reply to  nicholas tesdorf
December 11, 2018 6:56 am

All government support of WWF, NRDC, Sierra Club, etc. needs to be curtailed. Presently, they get grants, provide consultation to government offices and on top of that file suits against government agencies and pocket all of these rewards.

Joel Snider
Reply to  nicholas tesdorf
December 11, 2018 12:43 pm

Pretty much to be expected from a ‘non-profit’ who spends the majority of its budget on fundraising.

Reply to  nicholas tesdorf
December 11, 2018 3:12 pm

On the other hand, sooner or later our sun is going to run out of fuel, it just happens. If mankind has not found a way to live elsewhere, then mankind is over and done. So, some are looking to see what we can do and what options might arise. I doubt that any seriously expect to find a tropical paradise where we might take root and reestablish ourselves.

Serge Wright
December 11, 2018 2:33 am

It’s rather ironic that the suggested cure to the killing of 60% of birds is to erect 200m high spinning blades to kill the remaining 40%.

Jon Scott
Reply to  Serge Wright
December 11, 2018 8:08 am


Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 2:47 am

I am struggling to keep up with the effects of Man Made Climate Change.
So far we have been told it is responsible for:-
1. More Tornadoes
2. More Hurricanes
3. More Rain
4. Less Rain
5. More Droughts
6. Less Droughts
7. More Snow
8. No Snow (the jury is still out on that one) Al
9. Melting or Antarctica Ice
10. Record depth of Antarctica ice
11. Ice free Arctic another of Al’s predictions
12. Record ice growth in the Arctic circle.
13. Fires in California
14. Snow in the Sahara
15. Migration from the Middle East
16. Migration from everywhere
17. Destruction of Coral
18. Rejuvenation of Coral
19. Record sea level rise
20. No sea level rise due to record snow in the polar regions.
21 Record temperature rise
22. Record temperature falls
23, Deserts expanding
24. Deserts shrinking
25. Vegetables shrinking
26. Vegetables bigger than ever.
27. More clouds
28. Less clouds
29. Glaciers shrinking
30. Glaciers growing
The list goes on. Maybe, just maybe these are all natural variations that have no relationship with CO2 at all.
Can I apply for a government grant, to study the relationship between CO2 induced climate change and normal climate variation?

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 2:52 am

More IPCC quangos?

Jon Scott
Reply to  WXcycles
December 11, 2018 8:10 am

22,000 quagoids and counting in Poland! Shame they are not all on a leaky boat rather than just suffering from leaky brains!

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 4:59 am

Good list Rod.

What’s truly fascinating is it is believed. From where I sit (Toronto) if you are not on board the good ship AGW you are irrelevant. All of our academic, media, corporate and political elites believe the climate priests of academia and have no understanding of what the science actually says.

The ignorance surrounding the AGW Climate Change issue is so dominant I no longer discuss it.

william matlack
Reply to  M.W.Plia
December 11, 2018 8:10 am

There is not a liberal in Canada that will call carbon dioxide just that. To them its POLLUTION. Trudeau used that word fifteen times on sunday in a conversation with Rosemary Barton.Every other federal liberal does the same thing. The truly sad thing is the fact that nobody in the press says anything to correct them.Andrew Scheer is now on board with the pollution bit I guess there is absolutely no one to defend sanity.

Pamela Matlack-Klein
Reply to  william matlack
December 11, 2018 8:38 am

It didn’t help a bit that the Obama EPA pushed that phony endangerment nonsense past the Supreme Court, either. Too bad there is no way to deprive these clowns of all CO2 and then see how long they can continue breathing….

berndt koch
Reply to  william matlack
December 11, 2018 12:14 pm

Had a similar conversation the other day, person claimed CO2 was pollution.. yet they were drinking a carbonated beverage whilst they told me this.. I asked if they would like to eat my s**t as they seemed to be enjoying consuming pollution.. They didn’t talk to me much after that.

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 5:35 am

You forgot destabilizing volcanoes because Mosher thinks that could happen.

Dodgy Geezer
Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 5:49 am

…Can I apply for a government grant, to study the relationship between CO2 induced climate change and normal climate variation?…

NO!!! Such a study would be likely to undermine the whole of Climate Change, threatening many jobs, including those of the Grants Committee…

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 5:51 am

Don’t forget the right handed sharks.

R Shearer
Reply to  shrnfr
December 11, 2018 7:02 am
Reply to  shrnfr
December 11, 2018 9:12 am

Don’t forget shrinking sheep.

(BBC says so so it must be true…)

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 7:17 am

and that is just a small selection , but when you play ‘heads you lose , tails I win’ which is so common ith climate ‘science ‘, you do tend to find yourself with a very big lists.

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 7:21 am

You forgot more volcanoes.

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 10:23 am

. . . it is responsible for:-

One of my favorites: more meteors–because a warmer atmosphere would expand and make the Earth a bigger target.


Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 11:58 am

In a related story … Jerry Brown STILL insists that CA is locked in the death grips of a never ending Global Warming … drought.

However, anyone who has resided in this State prior to the last Tech bubble burst … knows … that this amount of snow and rainfall PRIOR to Dec. bodes for yet another moonsoon precipitation year. Following the last THREE!!

Just imagine if PG&E could have maintained their wires for just another couple weeks after which time the rare EARLY rains would have saturated Paradise. Just a couple weeks. However, PG&E has been spending $ hundreds of millions of ratepayer dollars on a multitude of “green” programs … instead of MAINTAINING their monopolistic infrastructure. The COST of all this FAKE “green” virtue signalling is unsustainable … and DEADLY.

Yes, kiddies, the sky IS falling. It is being pulled-down upon us by FAKE greenery. Artificial political plants who are KILLING US

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 1:58 pm
Reply to  Rod Evans
December 16, 2018 6:04 pm

NONE of them want the normal climate variations to be studied! Have you considered the risks of bursting their bubble? Cause they have.

E J Zuiderwijk
December 11, 2018 2:47 am

Another chapter in the book of green fairytales.

December 11, 2018 2:50 am

It’s not about environmental concerns it’s just sewing fear to take political power using an endless false-pretense.


Rod Evans
Reply to  WXcycles
December 11, 2018 2:59 am

I think, it is called embroidering the truth… 🙂

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 11, 2018 3:11 am


“Truth via other means”


Jeff Alberts
Reply to  WXcycles
December 11, 2018 5:34 am

“sewing fear”

Now you’re just hemming…

Reply to  Jeff Alberts
December 16, 2018 6:59 pm

And haw hawing.

Reply to  WXcycles
December 11, 2018 6:41 am

Is he using a darning needle or a tenting needle?

The darning needle follows a straight line. The tenting needle goes in circles.

Peta of Newark
December 11, 2018 2:57 am

I would assert that the report is actually true.
Easily by numbers.

yeah yeah yeah you say.

Consider that, if you used both hands to scoop up a ‘handful’ of fertile and loamy farmland soil, you will have in your hands a number of living things easily 10 times in excess of the numbers of humans that (even The Most Optimistic Scientist) will ever ever ever exist.
ten times

Are bacteria not wildlife? Are they not important?
(Do recall that 90% of all the living cells in the ‘thing’ you are standing up in do not contain ANY of your DNA – they are bacteria and without them You Are Dead. History.
Usually taken to be 1,000 billion in total number making up each and every one of us.)

As it happens, so farmland dirt dead without them. Also rainforest dirt. Sphagnum moss dirt. Savannah dirt. Boreal forest dirt. Even California dirt.

And the three Original & Best Ways of killing them is simply to:
Let them dry out
Heat them above 50 degC, some optionally above 70 deg
Expose them to bright sunlight, especially light containing any measure of Ultra -violet light
(Remember with radiation, very often it is Quality that counts, not especially Quantity)
Sometimes called Disinfection or Sanitisation

All around me here in Notts, Lincs, Cambs, the East Midlands and East Anglia, VAST areas of farmland are exactly that – forcibly being dried out and exposed to sunlight via the use of ploughs

Without a viable number of bacteria in the soil, just as within our own bodies..
We Are History.
Plenty number of human civilisations worked that out, to their cost.
The gobsmacking & widespread slaughter of those living things really should be something of concern

James Clarke
Reply to  Peta of Newark
December 11, 2018 6:41 am

If you assert that the report is true ‘by the numbers’, it then becomes meaningless ‘by the numbers’, and a blatant exercise of deception either way.

Michael Anderson
Reply to  Peta of Newark
December 11, 2018 8:36 am

So you’re suggesting we give up PLOUGHS? Back to hunter-gatherer times, is it? No wonder your name is PETA, you witless wonder. Here’s a suggestion then: you first. Set an example for the rest of us. Watch your children die of exposure, illness, and hunger.

You’re welcome, always happy to point out the obvious, tedious though it is.

D. J. Hawkins
Reply to  Michael Anderson
December 11, 2018 12:01 pm

You clearly don’t understand British humor. Too bad for you.

Reply to  D. J. Hawkins
December 11, 2018 12:29 pm

You clearly don’t understand Brits don’t have humor.

Try humour.

Michael Anderson
Reply to  Gamecock
December 11, 2018 3:20 pm

Nice. Far nicer than Billy No-mates deserved. 🙂

Michael Anderson
Reply to  D. J. Hawkins
December 11, 2018 3:13 pm

Says the guy who apparently can’t read, so somehow takes PETA’s blithering to be sarcasm. I understand British humour very well, thanks, including undersanding that “gobsmacked” means “astonished,” not “smacked in the gob” – which in any case is the weirdest thing to pair with “slaughter” I can imagine.

Why am I wasting my time explaining myself to you anyway? Piss off, pillock!

Michael Anderson
Reply to  Peta of Newark
December 11, 2018 9:17 am

PS if you’re British, how is it that you don’t even know what “gobsmack” means? Have you never been out in public, maybe confined to a mental hospital?

Even leaving aside your preposterous assertions, one of the oddest things I’ve come across on the Net lately.

Reply to  Peta of Newark
December 11, 2018 10:09 am

And? Does Peta think that if I where to sterilize that handful of soil that it would mean every microbe, fungus and virus that was in it is now extinct? Do no others like them exist elsewhere on this great world?

And more importantly, why is all this extinction OUR fault? Species (real ones, with names and everything) have been going extinct for billions of years. Do the greens truly believe that al that came to a grinding stop once Man climbed out of the trees?


Jean Meeus
December 11, 2018 3:24 am

Continuation of this nonsense: today the Belgian newspaper “Le Soir” writes:

“Climat: l’humanité pourrait revenir 50 millions d’années en arrière en seulement 20 ans”.
(Climate: in only 20 years humanity might go back 50 million years.)

Rick Johnson
Reply to  Jean Meeus
December 11, 2018 3:30 am

A warmer planet with more CO2 is a healthier planet. Going back 50 million years in climate might not be a bad thing.

Weather is cyclic, follow the evidence.

Another Paul
Reply to  Rick Johnson
December 11, 2018 4:48 am

“Weather is cyclic, follow the evidence.” Climate is cyclic, follow the evidence. I wish they’d expend the efforts to figure out what drives the O in ENSO.

Rick Johnson
Reply to  Another Paul
December 11, 2018 4:53 am

What drive the O in ENSO?

I suspect intelligent design.

Another Paul
Reply to  Rick Johnson
December 11, 2018 8:07 am

“I suspect intelligent design” I’d tend to agree, but what influence is wiggling that drives the O. (Is it me, or does that sound a bit dirty?)

Gary Ashe
December 11, 2018 3:28 am

Not one animal here has disappeared during my lifetime.
Nor has our climate ”changed” one iota, still windy rainy with occasional sunshine, and abit of snow every 5 yrs or so.

Infact species here have increased, we now have course fish and many more birds of prey in our bird sanctuaries.

We are a top UNESCO biosphere, and it isnt by accident.

Dave Ward
December 11, 2018 3:30 am

Meanwhile wind turbines are slowly, but surely, wiping out bats and raptors. Whose fault is that, WWF???

Reply to  Dave Ward
December 11, 2018 3:59 am

Tom Steyer.
But hey, a billionaire oligarch has to take care of his priorities.

Reply to  Dave Ward
December 11, 2018 6:35 am

…”destroying the web of life”…with impunity. These turbines have to be stopped.

December 11, 2018 4:00 am

Is there an IPCC jamboree on at the moment by any chance ?

Reply to  knr
December 11, 2018 5:52 am

haha yep … shame we can’t conduct a nuclear test on cockroaches and see if the myth is true .. .what is 22,000 if it saves us all the junk media reports 🙂

Dave Ward
Reply to  knr
December 11, 2018 8:12 am

Yes, and it’s being heated by diesel fuel:

December 11, 2018 4:32 am

The obvious solution is for all the Earth’s population to become prosperous. Why isn’t wildlife in trouble in America? Prosperous people value the environment and don’t have to poach just to survive. Among other things, American prosperity is due to fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels are good for the environment.

December 11, 2018 4:45 am

NJ current pop is over 8 million people..
also quite a few bears and over 100 thousand deer
vs little to none 100 years ago

December 11, 2018 5:04 am

The only time the WWF had any credence was when it was the name for professional wrestling.

Reply to  Stephana
December 11, 2018 5:54 am

Yes the WWF admitted all it’s fight were fake which is one up from this WWF.

Steve Keohane
December 11, 2018 5:08 am

People in charge of wildlife don’t even know what wildlife is out there. Mid 90s I had a lynx stand on my deck and look into my living room, where my wife and I were sitting and could plainly see the lynx. The DOW decided to ‘reintroduce’ lynx to the area less than a decade later. They’ve been talking about ‘reintroducing’ wolves here. Five years ago my son and I returning from a trip into town saw a coyote lying in the road at the top of our descending driveway. I stopped 50′ away while it rose and was obviously well over a 100lbs, and a wolf, not a coyote. It loped down the drive and made a 12′ diagonal leap across the stream at the bottom. The DOW declined to respond to these sightings. I am quite familiar with wolves, having lived with one for 15 years.

Pamela Matlack-Klein
Reply to  Steve Keohane
December 11, 2018 8:51 am

In Virginia, Natural Resources has consistently refused to accept sightings of cougars east of Rt. 29, in the Piedmont, because they don’t accept anecdotal reports. In order to be an official sighting it must be made by someone working for DNR. The people who are actually out in the field and seeing these animals are not considered reliable for one reason or another.

Michael Anderson
December 11, 2018 5:15 am

Of COURSE what’s been done, and is being done and is planned to be done to protect wild areas isn’t enough. It’s never enough and will never BE enough, because then these peoples’ worthless, bloodsucking careers would vanish, and it’s back to the dole or burger-flipping since the only talent they have is for mendacity.

Worked for two environmental NGOs in the 1990s, and believe me, I know precisely whereof I speak. Great orgs to be the head of if you like helicopter rides to the capital to harangue politicos that nothing they do is ever enough. Money and the thrill of power is the entire game.

December 11, 2018 5:24 am

I can only say that if the sparrows in my garden and the fish and frogs in my pond, not to mention several thousand house flies and a major summer for shield bugs, is anything to go by, perhaps it is just as well we’ve killed off half the wildlife.

Polar bears are doing well, too, they tell me!

Who are these idiots?

Reply to  Newminster
December 11, 2018 10:02 am

Check out the salaries and expense accounts of the CEOs, and the number of “employees involved and lawyers on retainers, and you have your answers to all your questions.

December 11, 2018 5:35 am

Has there been a study published on the percentage of humans killed by wildlife, including those wild bacteria and viruses? Without the data, how can we possibly keep score? Though I think the opposing team is ahead.

Theo Richel
December 11, 2018 5:45 am

Some 10 years ago I was tired of the constant stream of messages on threatened species, I wanted to know which species had actually disappeared the year before. So I asked the International Union for the Conservation of Nature which is the authority here. Well actually there were eleven species extinct they reported back. 10 were slugs/snails supposed to be living on Pacific islands and there was one toad in Uganda (or Rwanda, dont recall) that could not be found anymore. The latters ‘extinction’ (it still exists in captivity) was due to the building of a hydropowerstation. There was also good news, the IUCN wrote me: some Pacific slugs that were reported extinct the year before had nevertheless resurfaced.

December 11, 2018 5:50 am

“If we are not Chicken Little, is the sky still falling?”

Chicken Little was right the sky was falling. He just lacked proper perspective. The sky is always falling. If it wasn’t falling, it would drift off into space, and then we would really be screwed. 🙂

Reply to  MattS
December 11, 2018 6:00 am

Technically all atmospheres float on a planet surface which is of little comfort when you are on a giant gas giant and it crushes you to death 🙂

Reply to  LdB
December 12, 2018 6:03 am

Except the gas giants are supposed to be all atmosphere with no solid surface to be on.

December 11, 2018 5:53 am

My late mother used to send money to these people. I told her it was a scam then and she disagreed with me. Then she’d complain about the price of red peppers at the grocery store (about $.80 each) and I asked her why she didn’t put her “donations” into red peppers instead of WWF. She didn’t like that.

If things really go bad, can we expect to see polar bears on ice floes on Lake Michigan?

December 11, 2018 5:58 am

It’s now time to set up the doomsday clock for the coming climate advocacy wars. It’s later than you think and the French protests demonstrate this need.

Theo Richel
Reply to  ResourceGuy
December 11, 2018 6:15 am

I do not think that the Gilets Jaunes protests in France have very much to do with climate as is so avidly concluded here and there. I havent seen any banner or the like referring to climate, I reckon it is just another socialist mob claiming more money and that is also what Macron has understood. Humanity has always ‘known’ that there is something wrong with the weather, so why would they now suddenly know that that is not the case?

Reply to  Theo Richel
December 11, 2018 3:14 pm

Don’t be fooled by labeling tactics.

Reply to  ResourceGuy
December 11, 2018 6:47 am

The Gilets Jaunes were protesting Macron’s increase of fuel taxes, which he has done before this. The people most affected by those taxes are farmers, truckers, cab drivers, and people who commute to work by POV. At the same time, Macron reduced taxes on wealthy people.

So who is paying the most taxes? Not Macron and his upper-upper friends. That’s what the protests were about – NOT socialism.

December 11, 2018 6:18 am

I have a great idea. I’ve had this idea for a while, but didn’t want to bring it up. But maybe now is the time for it.

Here it is:
WWF wants to move humans to other planets, right? In fact, all the ecohippies of all stripes, whether tailored suits or raggedy jeans and tee shirts, think humans should be reduced on this planet.
My proposal is that, since the red dwarf Proxima Centauri b has a rocky world in orbit around it, THEY should be the first to go there and start colonizing the place. All of them, no exceptions. Just round them up, pack them into spaceships and send them on their way.
Communications will be slow, however, because the Alpha Centauri triple star system is 4.27 light years from Earth, so if they have an emergency, they’ll just have to take care of it themselves.

In the meantime, the rest of us can go on about our business growing food, planting veggie gardens for home use and orchards and flower gardens for bugs to use, and I’ll happily go shoot more dragonfly photos late in July through beginning of October.

Aside from the greed factor, are these people really this stupid? Just askin’.

Michael Anderson
Reply to  Sara
December 11, 2018 7:07 am

Yes, they’re that stupid, and the proof is that they believe everyone else is even stupider. Mostly they’re just greedy and lazy.

I recently argued with someone when they showed me a Huffpost article decrying how “we” are responsible for a short list of extinctions. All the animals were of course vertebrates (because we are too, so who gives a crap about the other 97% of animal life), and of the 11 mentioned only two had become extinct in the last half-century (cf. Stewart Brand on the massively declining rate of human-caused extinctions) – and were in fact subspecies, oops.

In any case “we” aren’t responsible for the extinctions; they happened a long time ago and I’ve never shot a rhino so I could make a dagger handle out of its horn, and I’m willing to bet nobody reading this has either.

Collective guilt is for suckers who like throwing away their money on rent-seekers.

Thomas Homer
December 11, 2018 6:22 am

“African elephants, whale sharks, orangutans in Borneo, wandering albatross near Antarctica, jaguars in South America, gharial crocodiles in India and Nepal, and giant salamanders in China”

Each creature in that list uses respiration to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Their own bodies are the source of carbon they exhale, and they must consume organic carbon to replenish it. This is all part of the carbon cycle of life. Ultimately, the organic carbon these creatures need to consume for survival can be traced back to atmospheric carbon dioxide from which it was extracted via photosynthesis/phytoplankton to create organic carbon. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is freely distributed throughout the globe.

Each of those ‘endangered’ creatures is dependent upon CO2 for survival. CO2 feeds life.

Reply to  Thomas Homer
December 16, 2018 7:03 pm

Is there a tally of species not extinct, that would have been, but for man? A cost/benefit analysis has two sides.

December 11, 2018 6:42 am

After a man broke into the White House to warn President Obama that the atmosphere is collapsing, I dedicated my science column in the San Antonio Express-News to the matter. In a column entitled “The sky is not falling,” I briefly explained the status of what global warming advocates describe as science. I concluded by observing that the sky is not falling. My editors had told me that my science column was very popular with readers, which is why some installments appeared in the Houston Chronicle. They even moved the column to Sundays and sent a congratulatory note. But the 8-year column was promptly terminated when they received the Chicken Little installment, which would have appeared in the same issue as the paper’s endorsement of two political candidates they described as climate change advocates.

Michael Anderson
Reply to  Forrest M. Mims
December 11, 2018 7:21 am

Cowards and fools. Bumsucking sycophants openly engaging in a conflict of interest and betraying every standard and ethic that journalism ought to stand for, and used to before most of them went Stalinist.

Yeah, I think that sums it up nicely…

December 11, 2018 7:18 am

I still don’t know why I should care what a group of wrestlers think about the environment. /sarc

Reply to  MarkW
December 11, 2018 2:17 pm

See now that comment just makes me want to buy you a beer.

John M Ware
December 11, 2018 7:20 am

“It is only a snake-in-the-grass who will knife a man in the back with so evil-smelling a report.”

That was my mother’s favorite mixed metaphor. At present, I fear it is coming true with these fake-news “reports” from the anti-scientific Left.

December 11, 2018 7:33 am

Funny how year after year, they can never list the name of a single newly-extinct species, but on the other hand, marvel and dozens of newly-discovered species and organisms and have them named and classified.

December 11, 2018 7:33 am

Funny how year after year, they can never list the name of a single newly-extinct species, but on the other hand, marvel and dozens of newly-discovered species and organisms and have them named and classified.

Reply to  Лазо
December 11, 2018 10:33 am

Plus the “extinct” species that aren’t.

Michael Anderson
December 11, 2018 9:11 am

Yes, this. ^ Absolutely right.

December 11, 2018 10:07 am

You know, these idiots are right in one respect, people are, indeed, bad for the planet but those people are them. That’s the part they haven’t figured out. Stupid is forever. Ship them out to some other planet and the average I Q will increase significantly here on Earth.

December 11, 2018 10:30 am

. . . humans have killed more than half the world’s wildlife in past 48 years.

These alarmists keep making claims of massive deaths–of people, of animals. Show me the bodies. Numbers on a computer don’t count (pun intended).


December 11, 2018 10:46 am

In my neighborhood, the wildlife seems to be prolific.
There were lots of deer this summer until a outbreak of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) killed over 50.
Really cut into the bow and rifle hunting seasons.

Reply to  Neo
December 11, 2018 11:35 am

Only 50 deer killed?

Across the different agriculture and mountainous regions of GA (USA) we have between 15-20 (Blue Ridge mountains)
to 25-30 deer per sq mile (Coastal Plains)! Hunting brings in almost 1 billion dollars per year.

December 11, 2018 2:24 pm

Given the lifespan of the various species of wildlife, how many generations of each species has lived it’s expected lifespan and died in the last half century? Who would know.

December 11, 2018 3:14 pm

On the other hand, sooner or later our sun is going to run out of fuel, it just happens. If mankind has not found a way to live elsewhere, then mankind is over and done. So, some are looking to see what we can do and what options might arise. I doubt that any seriously expect to find a tropical paradise where we might take root and reestablish ourselves.

Jeff Price
December 11, 2018 3:54 pm

When I see a claim like that I immediately think, here is a person looking for a grant.

December 11, 2018 4:01 pm

WWF have all the credibility of the other WWF. It’s all a show. Agenda: wipe out most of humanity. Target audience: NPCs.

Let’s not kid around any more with these kinds of ridiculous organisations. Call them out exactly for what they are (globalist commie propaganda) and don’t waste time arguing with them… that is what they want… since it serves to distract us from their true agenda and simultaneously program all the NPCs to do their bidding.

December 11, 2018 4:14 pm

I think the World Wildlife Fund has over-exaggerated how many rich people have paid them to go shoot rare and wild animals.

It must be nice to run death safaris and still have the cognitive dissonance enough under control to preach to the world about saving animals.

December 11, 2018 5:42 pm

An immediate action to help the bird population would be to turn off all wind generators.

kristi silber
December 11, 2018 6:57 pm

This was already posted, and it’s still wrong.

The WWF report doesn’t claim that “almost 60% of all the fish, birds and animals on Earth have been killed by people in two generations.” That’s ridiculous, although I’ve seen the same claim in the media. It says that the POPULATION SIZE of VERTEBRATES has decreased on average by almost 60%, a very different claim.

You could have one population shrink to 10% of its former size and another of the same species shrink to 90 % of its former size. The average percent change would be the same whether the first population started at 1000 and the second at 100,000, or vice versa. In the first case you’d have 90,100 left total, in the second you’d have 10,900.

At any rate, it’s still pretty amazing…and for that reason, I’m skeptical. Very hard thing to demonstrate conclusively.

December 11, 2018 7:36 pm

Such ill-researched, CAGW alarmist-aligned, mankind-blaming positions being espoused by the WWF is one of several reasons (another primary one being the frequent, unnecessary money-grubbing, self-congratulatory hard mailings) that ultimately forced me to abandon yearly monetary donations to this organization, thereby letting my “membership” expire.

WWF used to be better than this.

Eric Gisin
December 12, 2018 12:43 am

Why don’t you credit the source, CFACT?

December 12, 2018 9:04 am

humans have killed more than half of all the wildlife in the world since 1970
Except for a few long lived species, every wild animal alive in 1970 is dead today. Every one. And they would still have died even if humans did not exist.

Mother Nature is a killer. A mass executioner that shows no favor to any creature.

It is high time countries around the world took Mother Nature to court and locked her up for mass murder. For far too long she has killed with impunity. We need to stop this senseless slaughter of the innocent around the world.

By failing to act, governments are complicit in this wanton destruction of life globally.