Claim: Climate Geo-engineering Might Exacerbate Malaria

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Geo-engineering is worse than we thought. Not only would geo-engineering depress crop yields by starving plants of sunlight, it now looks likely any serious attempt…

It is worse than we thought – by Latitude

Guest essay by Sheldon Walker – ( The central objective of the Paris Agreement is its long-term temperature goal to hold global average temperature increase to “well below 2°C above…

Elon Musk steps down from Tesla over Tweet, fined 20 million dollars

From NYT: Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, under pressure from his lawyers and investors, reached a deal with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Saturday to resolve a securities fraud…

What is the Meaningful 97% in the Climate Debate?

Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball For a brief period, the New York Times added a column to their best-seller book list. It identified the percentage of people who finished reading…

Revisiting the Mystery of Stratospheric Cooling

This paper claims that stratospheric cooling is the work of “greenhouse gases”. Saying: “An extended satellite temperature record and the chemistry‐climate models show weaker global stratospheric cooling over 1998–2016 compared…

New Book – Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear

By Rod Martin, Jr Afraid of the future? Don’t be. When we’re armed with the basic facts of climate, we can more easily spot the lies that the corrupt, corporate news…

Canada — And The World — Abandon Green Energy Agenda

Wind and solar have become the fossils of the energy industry; oil, gas and coal remain the fuels of the future By Larry Solomon Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s repeal of…