Trump White House: Climate ACTIVISTS Are a National Security Threat

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Breitbart – The directive which removed Climate Change from the list of national security threats also suggests that the real threat to US national…

Climate-related Deaths and Insecurity

By Andy May In the cartoon the guy being tortured is saying “OKAY! I believe mankind causes global warming!”  The priest is saying “Very well… give the heretic back his…

More Fracking Nonsense: Frac’ing Shrinks Infants

Guest post by David Middleton This article and the underlying “study” can only be explained by a childhood diet rich in lead paint chips… Study finds pregnant women who live…

Delta T and Delta F

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The fundamental and to me incorrect assumption at the core of the modern view of climate is that changes in temperature are a linear function…

Politico: President Trump to Support US Solar Manufacturing

Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to Politico author Emily Holden, President Trump may be on the verge of erecting trade barriers against cheap imports of Chinese solar panels, to…