$50 Million Dollar Massachusetts Renewable Energy Fraud

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Samuel C Cogar – A couple from Acton, Massachusetts have been charged with defrauding the United States Government of more than fifty million dollars…

Good For The Greenland Ice Sheet, Bad For The Corn Belt

Guest essay by David Archibald One thing that climate rationalists and warmers can agree on is that we all would like to have a healthy Greenland Ice Sheet. The good…

Paul Krugman shows why the climate campaign failed

Guest essay by Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: Like all of Krugman’s work, we can learn much from his latest column about climate change. See this annotated…

Life in a fossil-fuel-free utopia

Life without oil, natural gas and coal would most likely be nasty, brutish and short. Guest essay by Paul Driessen Foreword: The drumbeat for a fossil-fuel-free energy utopia continues. But…

Luxury Maine Geoengineering Climate Conference

Guest essay by Eric Worrall One hundred scientists gathered late last month in a luxury ski resort in Maine to discuss Geoengineering. To Stop Global Warming, Should Humanity Dim the…

Cooling Deep Oceans – and the Earth’s General Background Temperature

Guest Post by Wim Röst Introduction Five million years ago, average temperatures were higher than they are now. During the Pliocene, the era just before the period of the Quaternary…