Come off it, Offit!

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley When a medical doctor with no prior record of publication in the learned journals of climate science wanders off the reservation and writes for a…

XKCD's Cri de Coeur

Guest essay by David Archibald Even people who are logical enough to write software, and gifted enough to work on research projects at NASA, feel the need to believe in…

Interesting finding: it's freezing inside a Tornado

Montreal, January 17, 2018 [sic] — With winter upon us in full force, outdoor temperatures are plummeting. But inside an intense tornado, it’s always chilly — no matter the time…

Chinese Climate Negotiator: Trump has "Softened His Tone" on Climate Change

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Chinese Chief Climate Negotiator Xie Zhenhua has expressed skepticism about President-elect Trump’s commitment to keep his campaign promises, claiming that Trump has “softened his tone”…

Trump and International Energy Poverty: Five Steps

Guest essay by Caleb Rossiter Primum non nocere — above all, do no harm, says the medical maxim. In public policy, where every action has different effects on different people,…