Could more fuel-efficient engines lead to more global warming?

From the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Auto industry experts predict that more than 50 percent of cars on the road by 2020 will use a relatively new type of fuel-efficient engine.…

Union of Concerned Scientists makes shameless ploy for $2 million to protect #RICO 20

From the “Kenji is not pleased” department. Can you imagine the wailing and caterwauling if say, Heartland or The Competitive Enterprise Institute tried something like this? In my opinion, the…

Guardian: Tyrants and War Criminals Demand Climate Action

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Guardian is worried that if Donald Trump is elected as US President, he will reject demands for climate action which are supported by tyrants,…

Already 240 Published Papers In 2016 Alone Show the “97% Climate Consensus” Is A Fantasy

From Friends of Science Newsletter by Albert Jacobs Kenneth Richard has compiled a list of 770 papers published since January 1,  2014 that contradict the IPCC consensus statement, see here.…

Study: 'The Blob' was a product of weather patterns and El Niño

From the GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY El Niño played a key role in Pacific marine heatwave, as did potentially climate change The Northeast Pacific’s largest marine heatwave on record was…