Inoculation Theory: Stepping up the Climate Brainwashing

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Our old friend John Cook thinks climate skeptics have to be psychologically “inoculated”, to help reeducate us into accepting climate science, without triggering a reflexive…

Climate Craziness of the Week: Impact of Spanish missionaries triggered the 'Little Ice Age'

From the department of “correlation is not causation” department comes this weapons-grade-stupid study. Next they’ll be telling us the Catholic church started the Medieval Warm Period with the crusades. Get…

Britain Faces Energy Crisis, Engineers Warn – Green Isn't Working

Via The GWPF Energy bills will soar as green policies shut coal-fired power stations and cause an “electricity supply crisis”, experts say. Prices will be forced up as the UK…

Place your bets! Another hotted-up Mann-tastic modeling claim

From PENN STATE and the department of overheated, tired, rhetoric in an El Niño year, comes this ZOMG! press release from Michael Mann and company. It’s just modeling sophistry, driven by…