NIPCC's reply to Physics Today (that they won't even acknowledge)

I’ve been made privy to an email exchange with the editor of Physics Today regarding a rebuttal letter to a badly botched article by Spencer Weart that ignored a good…

Water Vapour: The Big Wet Elephant In The Room

Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball In my last two articles I examined what we know, but more importantly what we don’t know, about the three main greenhouse gases (GHG). The…

What did ExxonMobil Know and when did they know it? (Part 3, Exxon: The Fork Not Taken)

Guest post by David Middleton This just keeps getting more hilarious… Exxon Confirmed Global Warming Consensus in 1982 with In-House Climate Models The company chairman would later mock climate models…

Al Gore and the media were wrong: U.S. Major Hurricane Drought Now One Decade and Counting

As of today, October 24th, it has been 3652 days (including leap years) or a decade (10 years) since the US has been hit by a Category 3 or greater…