The Three Faces of the GISS Land-Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI)

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale This is the first of a series of posts about the impacts of NOAA’s new pause-buster sea surface temperature data on the global temperature products…

Throwback Thursday #1 – Joe Romm's "permanent drought"

Today I begin a new feature, “Throwback Thursday” with the purpose of highlighting past claims of climate doom made by scientists, pundits, and alarmist activists…that have not come true. It’s…

Oceans slowed global temperature rise, scientists report

Heat trapped below the surface will begin moving up kicking off a warming cycle (Note: this is the press release that hit Eurekalert today for Nieves et al., which we…

Claim: low solar activity will melt Greenland's ice faster

From the AGU: Sun’s activity controls Greenland temperatures WASHINGTON, D.C. – The sun’s activity could be affecting a key ocean circulation mechanism that plays an important role in regulating Greenland’s…

What NOAA NCEI isn't telling you in their 2014 State of the Climate Report released today

Yesterday I made mention of the fact that there would be a report today from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, now NCEI. Today, they have released their 2014 report, and…