The Collection of Evidence for a Lower Climate Sensitivity Continues to Grow – now up to 14 papers lower than IPCC

By Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger Nic Lewis and Judith Curry just published a blockbuster paper that pegs the earth’s equilibrium climate sensitivity—how much the earth’s average… caught up in fossil fuel 'divestment' hypocrisy

In a blast of publicity, the Rockefellers Brothers Fund (RBF) announced it would “begin” divesting all fossil fuel investments. The Rockefellers brothers, offspring of the founder of the industry, were…

Quote of the Week – models, climate sensitivity, the pause, and psychology

There’s a saying that “even a blind squirrel will find a nut occasionally”, and while I don’t think of Steven Mosher as anywhere close to a blind squirrel, he does…

The Josh 'climate selfie' – and livetooning the Michael Mann lecture at Bristol

Yesterday Josh finished all of his cartooning related to my trip to the UK, the meetings with skeptical friends, and the Mann lecture. I present them all here because he’s…

New Research Finds Earth Even Less Sensitive To CO2 Than Previously Thought

As first reported on WUWT yesterday via our in-flight news office over the Atlantic, climate sensitivity is now seen to be even less, thanks to the new peer reviewed paper…

Final Briefs filed in Mann libel case

By Sam Kazman, CEI General Counsel (reposted from [Yesterday was] the close of briefing in our appeal of Michael Mann’s defamation suit against the Competitive Enterprise Insitute, CEI adjunct…

The latest hand-wringing “myth-buster” video roundly debunked

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The usual suspects have issued yet another “myth-busting” video in their continuing attempt to flog the dead horse of catastrophic Caucasian-caused climate change (CCCCC). This…