Hillary endorses Obama climate plan, gets on the "slam skeptics" bandwagon

Steve Milloy writes:

Hillary Clinton endorsed the Obama climate plan and slammed coal industry in speech at the BIO conference this week. Clinton also hit the media for giving air time to skeptics.

The BIO audience erupted into applause at these comments— possibly because earlier in her interview she stated she favored states insuring biotech entrepreneurs against risk/loss.

Her climate comments begin at about 19:26 into the clip and run about 9 minutes. Audio video quality is not the best, but good enough.

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June 27, 2014 9:29 am

Yet another reason not to vote for her should she attempt a run for the big chair. Disgusting woman.

Lucius von Steinkaninchen
June 27, 2014 9:30 am

Not really a surprise – preaching to the democrat choir is the least-effort path.
It can be a dangerous one, though, considering the dismal lack of interest of the general population on the issue, and how the next POTUS will have to face serious real problems instead of imaginary ones.

June 27, 2014 9:33 am

Wasn’t Hilary Clinton one of the young lawyers who fought against the Nixon excesses/Watergate?
Strange how she now appears to be in favour of skeptic McCarthyism!

bill junga
June 27, 2014 9:36 am

She learned well from Saul Alinsky.

June 27, 2014 9:46 am

Is there a single person left on this planet who doesn’t realize that this is now a purely political fight?
“Science” has nothing at all to do with this battle anymore. The left could not care less about “Science”, therefore no scientific evidence anyone produces will mean anything at all to them. This is all lies and demagoguery, all the time, meant deliberately to appeal to the stupidest and most reactionary elements of the population. There’s nothing left to the “climate change” issue than that, and yet that is huge.
That is why now the public pronouncements from Hillary and Obama have nothing at all to do with anything mundane like “evidence”, and are just juvenile name-calling and mockery. “Hey, look at those guys! We all hate them, amiright?”
That’s what the entire warmist movement, and the Democrat Party (but I repeat myself), has boiled down to. Nothing left but that.

June 27, 2014 9:46 am

So we just send the electric bills to her when they start skyrocketing?

June 27, 2014 9:50 am

A top news item today is “Millions of Americans cannot afford their Homes.”

Compared with households living in affordable housing, severely cost-burdened low-income households spend 39 percent less on food each month and 65 percent less on health care. “These cutbacks seriously undermine the basic well-being of low-income households,” the report says.

So the President, and Hilary by agreement, feel with 40 million home owners on the brink of solvency, this is the time to increase the burden on owners and renters by making electricity costs “skyrocket.” Force people tomorrow to give up the homes they cannot afford today. Disaster looms.
Do they want society to crash, or do they not see how actions are connected?
Stupid is as Stupid does.

June 27, 2014 9:57 am

Clinton must protect the two issues most important to the left … abortion and control by using the environment as an excuse.

June 27, 2014 9:58 am

“Future Earth”: Re-branding Agenda 21 for Environmental Control

June 27, 2014 9:58 am

“Do they want society to crash”
Yes. Of course the blame will be placed on someone or something else and the media will go right along with them.

June 27, 2014 10:00 am

Lucius von Steinkaninchen says:
June 27, 2014 at 9:30 am
Not really a surprise – preaching to the democrat choir is the least-effort path.
It can be a dangerous one, though, considering the dismal lack of interest of the general population on the issue, and how the next POTUS will have to face serious real problems instead of imaginary ones.
You don’t think there are all ready REAL serious problems that should be addressed now? And I ain’t talkin’ silly cAGW shite.I used to wonder why all the smart hillbillies left Tenn. and headed to Canada,especially to Alberta/Saskatchewan,however it is becoming more clear(no insult to the people of Tenn).
We both have the same 3 problems….too darn many parasites called politicians,a broken educational system,and waayyyy to much nanny state. God help us both.

June 27, 2014 10:01 am

“at this point, what does it matter”.
Hard to live that one down.

June 27, 2014 10:03 am

By the time Hillary gets into office, the Obama administration will have ensured that the middle east is in flames, eastern Europe crumbling as the Russians continue to explain to a dumbfounded west that he cold war never actually ended, western Europe shaking in their boot straps as they come to grips with the energy extortion policies they helped make possible for the Russians, Japan and South Korea and the Philippines and other Pacific Rim countries arming themselves to the teeth as they see what is happening in Europe and the Middle East and conclude that they had best be able to defend themselves by themselves from the likes of North Korea and China.
She’s not going to have a moment to spare on climate change. But she will take a moment to blame the whole mess on Bush.

G. Karst
June 27, 2014 10:04 am

The problem is both Obama and Hilary believe their own propaganda, that is, that AGW skeptics are a very small and noisy group. If they knew just how many diverse skeptics there were, they would not be so careless about alienating these voters. GK

June 27, 2014 10:09 am

Now where does SHE think the money is going to come from? She says $100 million is dirt poor!

John W. Garrett
June 27, 2014 10:10 am

See: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-26/germany-s-new-coal-plants-push-power-glut-to-4-year-high.html
German and EU encouragement of wind and solar power and closure of nuclear power plants has been an unmitigated disaster, resulting only in substantial market distortions and a massive misallocation of capital and resources. It has been a comedy of the sort that only a massive, crazed bureaucracy can orchestrate.
If anything could have been done wrong, that’s exactly what they did.
First they encouraged the construction of intermittent, unreliable and expensive sources of electricity (wind and solar) through the use of massive subsidies and government mandates.
Then, they allow delusional fools (the eco-crazies) to force the closure of reliable, low-cost, baseload (non-carbon emitting) generators of electricity (nuclear).
Then they panic because the lights are about to go out and build a massive new fleet of reliable, low-cost baseload generators of electricity (coal) but continue to coerce the use of intermittent and unreliable wind and solar electricity.
An idiot couldn’t do any worse. You can’t make this stuff up.
And what do you end up with? $0.40/Kwh electricity.
The combination of dubious “science,” propaganda, eco-nutters and bureaucracy combined to produce the worst possible outcome.
Now we’ve got U.S. demagogues and the “world savers” of the media crusading to imitate Germany— this is what California, the EPA and the eco-nutters want to bring to a theater near you.

J Martin
June 27, 2014 10:11 am

Silly Hilary. Though I am inclined to agree that we should not burn coal, not because I have any concern about co2 levels, I don’t, but because we only get about 0.5% of the energy out of the coal when we wastefully burn it, possibly much less.
We should extract the uranium and thorium from the coal and use that for energy, the remaining coal can be converted to various useful chemicals.

June 27, 2014 10:17 am

You have to forgive her…..she caught shrapnel in Bosnia

June 27, 2014 10:17 am

Hillary knows it’s a scam, but it is one that her cronies are benefiting by, in a huge way!

Evan Jones
June 27, 2014 10:22 am

So which are you? Ideologically blind or merely out for a buck? (Pick one.)
So we just send the electric bills to her when they start skyrocketing?
Isn’t that supposed to come out of Obama’s stash?

June 27, 2014 10:23 am

Clinton also hit the media for giving air time to skeptics.
Oh yeah? When does that happen?
The left are all in favour of freedom of speech, but only when you agree with them.

June 27, 2014 10:25 am

And Tom Steyer was in the White House just the other day. I wonder what Hillary’s words were worth.

Evan Jones
June 27, 2014 10:28 am

I wonder what Hillary’s words were worth.
They say the smoke alone is worth a thousand pounds a puff.

June 27, 2014 10:31 am

Audio video quality is not the best
Neither is the video quality… oh, wait, she really DOES look like that….

June 27, 2014 10:37 am

Well it worked with “first black president” ( even if he’s not _that_ black ). Can he do it , “yes he can! “. Next time they’ll try the “first woman president” ploy: can she really do it ???? “yes she can”.
If that works, the next time around will probably the first transgender president. Can he/she really do it. “yes he/she can”.
Mind you, by that time they will probably have abolished the constitution to “save the planet”.

June 27, 2014 10:41 am

evanmjones says:June 27, 2014 at 10:28 am
They say the smoke alone is worth a thousand pounds a puff.
Eh? Is Hillary into Bill’s cigars as well, now??

June 27, 2014 10:41 am

nothing is funnier than the truth……..comment image

June 27, 2014 10:43 am

It satisfies the big donators and besides its much easier to talk about GW than anything serious, like personal wealth, Benghazi, Monica etc etc etc At least her daughter is doing well from her $10M+ condo(She was broke too when she left home, but has worked hard and saved her money)

June 27, 2014 10:43 am

I hope someone will post a transcript of her climate-related words.

June 27, 2014 10:50 am

Clinton wheels out the old 97% myth and then adds an extra 1% for good measure.
“The debat is over” yet again.
Hey the dabate never even started yet, ask Mann ask Schmitt.

June 27, 2014 10:54 am

Voting for a persona for President is a joke. It’s all about party platform, even when that platform is based on fraud and tauntology.

June 27, 2014 10:59 am

The uber rich like the Clintons, the gores, the obamas, could care less if you starve because your electrical bill tripled.
– They care less if you healthcare bill trippled from $300 to $1300 because that amount of money is inconsequential to them.
– They care less if you lose your job because they do not know what that is like or what it means.
– They care less if you freeze in the winter, ice building up inside your house, and you blanket off rooms so that you can heat one room to a livable degree…because they have never known that.
– They care less about science and reality because the propaganda wave is more important to them then fact and reality.
The social elitists could care less since they live the grand life that we pay with 99% of all new wealth going to their buddies….while us peasants scratch for fire wood.

June 27, 2014 11:02 am

Such mindless climate mumbling from the Matron of democraticity will do nothing to advance respect and status for women. Instead it will reinforce negative stereotypes of females of a certain hair color. Condoleeza Rice would have been 100 times better as a leader role model for the ladyfolk.

Gary Pearse
June 27, 2014 11:02 am

If America elects Silly Hilly, I’m going to move farther away from the border.

June 27, 2014 11:21 am

Regarding the Clintons I recommend a documentary in the Why Poverty series.
“Stealing Africa”
Bill appears at about 43 min. .

more soylent green!
June 27, 2014 11:33 am

You gotta follow the green — the money, that is.

more soylent green!
June 27, 2014 11:40 am

Stephen Rasey says:
June 27, 2014 at 9:50 am
A top news item today is “Millions of Americans cannot afford their Homes.”
Compared with households living in affordable housing, severely cost-burdened low-income households spend 39 percent less on food each month and 65 percent less on health care. “These cutbacks seriously undermine the basic well-being of low-income households,” the report says.
So the President, and Hilary by agreement, feel with 40 million home owners on the brink of solvency, this is the time to increase the burden on owners and renters by making electricity costs “skyrocket.” Force people tomorrow to give up the homes they cannot afford today. Disaster looms.
Do they want society to crash, or do they not see how actions are connected?
Stupid is as Stupid does.

You write like these are bad things. How long ago was the goal to make people more self-sufficient? The goal is now to make people more dependent, unable/unwilling to take care of themselves. See The Road to Serfdom — hard times lead to desperate things, such as giving up liberty and rights for security and material gain (at someone else’s expense).

June 27, 2014 11:47 am

I respectfully submit – via my blog post from yesterday – that the origins in the climate issue of skeptics not deserving fair media balance is a talking point apparently invented by the late Stephen Schneider, circa the 1980s: ” ‘Skeptic Climate Scientists Do Not Deserve Fair Media Balance.’ Spread This Line Widely; NEVER Check its Veracity and Don’t Examine its History.” http://gelbspanfiles.com/?p=1886

June 27, 2014 12:05 pm

Ms Clinton mentions the media “false equivalency” bit at the 27:40 point. By one way of excellent example, the US PBS NewsHour has literally never offered the kind of ‘unfair balance’ situation she speaks of over the last 18+ years: “PBS NewsHour global warming coverage: IPCC/NOAA Scientists – 18; Skeptic Scientists – 0*” http://junkscience.com/2012/07/13/pbs-newshour-global-warming-coverage-ipccnoaa-scientists-18-skeptic-scientists-0/

June 27, 2014 12:12 pm

Gary Pearse said:
June 27, 2014 at 11:02 am
If America elects Silly Hilly, I’m going to move farther away from the border.
Comrade obama is in process of deleting the borders. Mustn’t impede the migratory habits of the heroic International Workers, ya know.

June 27, 2014 12:16 pm

Mark and two Cats says:
June 27, 2014 at 12:12 pm
Gary Pearse said:
June 27, 2014 at 11:02 am
If America elects Silly Hilly, I’m going to move farther away from the border.
Comrade obama is in process of deleting the borders. Mustn’t impede the migratory habits of the heroic International Workers, ya know.
Oh wait – that’s just the southern border. He wants the Canadian border intact to keep out the pipeline.

June 27, 2014 12:28 pm

@more soylent green!
You write like these are bad things. …See The Road to Serfdom — hard times lead to desperate things, such as giving up liberty and rights for security and material gain (at someone else’s expense).
You bring the issue into hard focus with exceptional depth of field.
After 36 years (Carter Administration), it is time to reread The Road to Serfdom. … And pass it on to my children.

June 27, 2014 12:40 pm

Greg says:
June 27, 2014 at 10:50 am
Clinton wheels out the old 97% myth and then adds an extra 1% for good measure.

Here’s Schopenhauer on that topic:

The Art of Always Being Right: 38 Ways to Win an Argument by Arthur Schopenhauer,
#30: Appeal to Authority Rather than Reason
When we come to look into the matter, so-called universal opinion is the opinion of two or three persons; and we should be persuaded of this if we could see the way in which it really arises. We should find that it is two or three persons who, in the first instance, accepted it, or advanced and maintained it; and of whom people were so good as to believe that they had thoroughly tested it. Then a few other persons, persuaded beforehand that the first were men of the requisite capacity, also accepted the opinion. These, again, were trusted by many others, whose laziness suggested to them that it was better to believe at once, than to go through the troublesome task of testing the matter for themselves.
Thus the number of these lazy and credulous adherents grew from day to day; for the opinion had no sooner obtained a fair measure of support than its further supporters attributed this to the fact that the opinion could only have obtained it by the cogency of its arguments. The remainder were then compelled to grant what was universally granted, so as not to pass for unruly persons who resisted opinions which every one accepted, or pert fellows who thought themselves cleverer than any one else.
When opinion reaches this stage, adhesion becomes a duty; and henceforward the few who are capable of forming a judgment hold their peace. Those who venture to speak are such as are entirely incapable of forming any opinions or any judgment of their own, being merely the echo of others’ opinions; and, nevertheless, they defend them with all the greater zeal and intolerance. For what they hate in people who think differently is not so much the different opinions which they profess, as the presumption of wanting to form their own judgment; a presumption of which they themselves are never guilty, as they are very well aware.
In short, there are very few who can think, but every man wants to have an opinion; and what remains but to take it ready-made from others, instead of forming opinions for himself? Since this is what happens, where is the value of the opinion even of a hundred millions? It is no more established than an historical fact reported by a hundred chroniclers who can be proved to have plagiarised it from one another; the opinion in the end being traceable to a single individual. It is all what I say, what you say, and, finally, what he says; and the whole of it is nothing but a series of assertions: –

June 27, 2014 12:46 pm

Guess she’s not planning on being president.

June 27, 2014 1:05 pm

Someone on her staff must have arrived to the conclusion there is still political value in the rhetoric. Like Obama, neither one of the Clinton pair could even begin to explain what a molecule is.

June 27, 2014 1:09 pm

12:46 pm
I think Hillary is hoping Climate Change will be a moot point after Obama uses his pen at the Rio+20(+3) Sustainable Development Goal Conference in Paris in Sept-2015.

June 27, 2014 1:10 pm

This coming winter Hillary is likely to be in a nomination battle with whoever else wants the job. If we have another winter even close to the one we just had, don’t be surprised if one of her democratic opponents calls her out on this. There are a lot of Democrats from Coal states. You know that there is going to be a lot of coal money pushed onto ‘their’ candidate.

June 27, 2014 1:14 pm

Once the economy crashes, my only hope is that there will be a day of reckoning because the need for a cleanup of the political class is absolutely overwhelming. All the idiots that have managed to climb the political ladder must be purged.

Tom J
June 27, 2014 1:22 pm

The local seafood restaurant is having a special on flounder this week. It’s caught (off guard) in icy gold waters at varying depths to which it might sink to. The fishermen say almost any lure will catch this flounder but it’s easiest to catch when it’s floundering. The current inhabitant of the WH, himself not a seafood lover, was just about ready to send it back to the kitchen until he noticed that the caretakers of that residence were prone to get even if he didn’t like the food they served him. So he kept it on his table for a while till he could quietly slide it under the door. (He prefers sliding his leftover food under busses when they’re available but he was afraid this one would splatter clear across the country and give his staff even more of a mess to clean up.) I’ve heard this flounder has to be poached in the sweetest wine imaginable because it tends to get very sour with age. In fact, it’s one of the few, if not only, seafood dishes where the chef might actually add cups of sugar to the broth to try and sweeten it up a little. Reservations for this entree have to be taken two years in advance: not necessarily because there’s demand but because it takes forever to prepare.

June 27, 2014 1:23 pm

What else could she possibly endorse that Obama has had his hand in that would not catch her on fire? Think about it.

Jaakko Kateenkorva
June 27, 2014 1:24 pm

Such a tragic character.

June 27, 2014 1:46 pm

It looks like Bill has a reasonable shot at $500 million in speaker fees collected before the election. Of course this will not even be picked up by the MSM, or it will be a buried story. I hear they need a conference keynote speaker in Crimea and Pyongyang, NK.

June 27, 2014 1:47 pm

How else is poor, broke, Hillary going to keep living high on the hog – with our tax dollars.

Ah. . . Clem
June 27, 2014 1:54 pm

When you vote for Energy Experts like Hillary you get wonderful electrical service like they have in Venezuela

June 27, 2014 2:01 pm

Clinton wheels out the old 97% myth and then adds an extra 1% for good measure.
I’m deaf (unlike Anthony I can’t fix mine) and can’t hear the video….did she really up it to 98%?
…I don’t doubt it, she can’t help exaggerating

June 27, 2014 2:17 pm

What an absolutely hollow vessel. The claim that sceptics are in it for the money? Only a complete drongo would say that after the multi-billions poured into CAGW. Where are the multi-billions poured into the sceptical case?

June 27, 2014 2:35 pm

Stephen Rasey asked: “Do they want society to crash, or do they not see how actions are connected?”
The left always feeds & grows off of chaos. Just study the history of Russia during the 20th century. It wasn’t until Reagan economically fought them to a standstill that the Soviet Union lost the cold war. Now that the U.S. is at an economic standstill, Russia is once again reasserting her hegemony.

June 27, 2014 2:41 pm

Hillary gets a pass I’m afraid, due to:
Exhibit A: All scientific bodies bash skeptics as being deniers and crackpots.
Exhibit B: A history of Bible thumping Republican attacks on science means their support of skepticism is overall counterproductive.
Exhibit C: Proof of fraud has not been emphasized by skeptics in public, so we do not enjoy the underdogs’s advantage. Only fanatics such as sky dragon Tim Ball and his sidekick iron sun coauthor and registered sex offender Oliver Manuel, CIA mind control wackos like Steven Goddard, or outspoken creationists like Roy Spencer assert outright fraud so far and so accusations of fraud come off as fanatical. Mark Steyn is an exception, a reasonable whistleblower.
Politicians merely represent and Democrats are faithfully representing the public’s desire to support the calls for action by scientific bodies. Not enough pressure is being applied to working academics to reverse their support of fraud. This graph that proves fraud has *not* appeared on television nor in debates or testimony. Well, when you don’t deploy your atomic level weapons, you lose indeed against a gal who wrote her masters thesis on Alinsky:
Marc Morano, here’s your big stick. Please use it. I’m not invited to be on TV like you are.
It boggles the mind that Marcott 2013, the smoking gun of all time, has been lost in the noise instead if publicly exposed. Not even Steyn has mentioned it despite Mann’s active promotion of it.

Power Grab
June 27, 2014 3:22 pm

Even though the pushers of vaccines would have us believe that they are the reason people have been living longer the past 100-150 years, there are those who say it is the bounty of clean water that did it. I have been wondering, however, if it wasn’t really the availability of “cheap energy” that did it. If you can afford the electric bill, you can afford to run the refrigerator to keep food from spoiling, or to otherwise preserve the food that is produced. What happens if you can no longer do that, say, because you’re shelling out so much for health insurance? What happens if food manufacturers and shippers can no longer keep food from spoiling in production or in transit? Well, I guess you first end up with lots of sickly and/or starving people, then you end up with lots of dead people. Who is it they say thinks the population of the world needs to be reduced to about 500 hundred million? Isn’t the same people who say coal and petroleum are evil?

June 27, 2014 3:37 pm

She reminds me more and more of Baba Yaga.

June 27, 2014 3:49 pm

“I’d rather burn trees than coal”

lawrence Cornell
June 27, 2014 3:59 pm

Yes Latitude, she did indeed “settle the science” by another percentage point. The left in this country has become increasingly allergic to the truth in their rush to fulfill their indoctrinated “fundamental transformation” of this once great nation. They are at the same time vile and sad.
I remain a Democrat in name only and only to insure one less “glitch” in the delivery of any future needed health care.
Late 20’s Germany comes to mind. Yes, it’s getting THAT bad.

June 27, 2014 4:45 pm

I can’t find where Milloy wrote this. Do you have a link?

Mac the Knife
June 27, 2014 4:56 pm

Bumper sticker spotted today in Seattle, WA: “I’m Ready For Hillary!”
It was on the rear window of a late model high end SUV and driven by a woman equivalent to Hillary’s age, physical condition, and (ahem) ‘attractiveness’. The SUV also had a “Stop the Coal Trains!” bumper sticker, a local eco-fanatic response to shipment of Montana and Wyoming based export coal through Washington state to the ports on the Washington pacific coast.
Trust me, folks. The greater Seattle area will vote +80% for Hillary… or any other jackass with a ‘D’ in front of their name on the ballot. She won’t even have to be above room temperature or capable of misting a mirror with an exhaled breath to garner that proportion of the vote here.

June 27, 2014 5:31 pm

The audience clapped on que just as a trained puppy barks on que, except the puppy is more aware of the world around him.

Mac the Knife
June 27, 2014 5:52 pm

Suppose this political calculation by Hillary’s campaign doesn’t pan out.
She can simply paraphrase her defense of her Benghazi incompetence and ‘misleading statements’ as State Department head to cover her ‘climate’ incompetence.
Hillary, the Obama administration et.al., and all of the mainstream media at the time of the muslim terrorist attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, told us that the murder of a US embassy ambassador, a US embassy staffer, and 2 US marines who fought valiantly to protect them was a result of a ‘spontaneous muslim reaction to a video that was not flattering the profit mohammed’. In Congressional testimony, Hillary’s ‘unflattering mohammed video protest’ cover story was challenged by investigators and her honesty directly challenged. Her reply was “With All Due Respect! We Have FOUR Dead Americans! What Difference Does It Make?!”
This is the same Hillary that ‘hit the rest button’ with Putin’s Russia (How’d that work out???), refused to classify Boko Haram as an al qaeda-linked terrorist group, and has no tangible positive achievements as Secretary of State.
If the ‘climate change’ calculation should go against her by 2016, she will look right into the camera and clearly state: What Difference Does It Make?!”
Hillary, like her husband Bill’ary, and Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama have no shame, no conscience, and no remorse for their profoundly arrogant, selfish, and harmful actions.

June 27, 2014 6:18 pm

noaaprogrammer says:
June 27, 2014 at 2:35 pm
Stephen Rasey asked: “Do they want society to crash, or do they not see how actions are connected?”
The left always feeds & grows off of chaos. Just study the history of Russia during the 20th century. It wasn’t until Reagan economically fought them to a standstill that the Soviet Union lost the cold war. Now that the U.S. is at an economic standstill, Russia is once again reasserting her hegemony.
One word….BINGO….k…couple more..you are not at a standstill…the train has left the track….and there will be few survivors

D. B. Cooper
June 27, 2014 6:39 pm

Two peas from the same dumbass pod.

June 27, 2014 7:10 pm

More interesting is why Hank Paulson and Bloomberg were touting a carbon tax this week.
Both GOP.
Im a Dem and Hillary supporter BTW.
In spite of their AGW position.
Best thing for skeptics is to have Paulson supporting CAGW.
Obviously Goldman Sachs is pushing the meme.
Resuming KenLay and Enrons plan.

June 27, 2014 7:22 pm

Im refering to the Occupy Wallstreet movement .
Im not affiliated, but Im impressed how they intuitively know that the 1% is behind this cap and trade /co2 tax debacle.

June 27, 2014 7:55 pm

HILARY simply repeats the same old leftist memes of the Gloooooobal Waaaaaarming cult and expects people to blindly accept these completely disconfirmed assertions, which even the IPCC has been forced to admit are not supported by empirical evidence.
Leftists are, thankfully, doubling down on the CAGW scam at a time when the overwhelming empirical evidence against the CAGW hypothesis is within 5 years or so of being ompletely disconfirmed…
If leftists were smart, which thankfully they are not, they’d learn the lessons of Australia’s leftist party and realize CAGW has the potential to anhilate their leftist command and control power… But, alas, whether out of arrogance, hubris, naïveté, stupidity, ignorance, or a false assumption that leftists will always of be able to control the CAGW narrative regardless of reality, they remain oblivious…
GOOD! Just let the leftists attach their ideological cart to this dying jackass of a hypothesis and let them flog away… At some point, this dying jackass will eventually collapse dead on The Road to Serdom, and the leftists will look insane flogging this dead carcass screaming, “IT’s ALIVE, IT’s ALIVE, I TELL YOU!!!”…
The blowback from that image will be spectacular on leftists’ failed ideologies. It will be a major turning point in human history.

Ed Mertin
June 27, 2014 9:27 pm

And, unbelievably, people gathered up at 3am this morning for a Hillary Clinton book signing at 11:30am in a Little Rock Wal~Mart. She was about an hour late.
And Mojo, just in case you hadn’t noticed, a new study shows that the average wealth of Americans is still 43% less than in 2007. It’s also down 36% from 2003… leave you to figure out glory years… you know…
Even up in the top 5% where net worth averages about $1.4 million, they’ve seen a 16% decline from 2007. Of course when you get up into really big money as you might guess this isn’t necessarily so at all, as their share of the national wealth continues to grow.

June 27, 2014 9:54 pm

Wait until Hillary talks about the Republicans’ “war on women”. She was in the front lines back in the day:

June 27, 2014 11:22 pm

@D.B. Cooper please do not blame the pod, frankly I am scared “s.iless) if she was elected.
@ Mac your last paraghraph @ Mac 5.52Hillary, ” like her husband Bill’ary, and Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama have no shame, no conscience, and no remorse for their profoundly arrogant, selfish, and harmful actions”.
I could not agree more but since when has the W H had ANY influence . They are nothing but “poor people” remember?. Dead broke (laughing) when they left (and pillaged the WH), “working their buts off” for you the peasants, RIGHT?. Who then really are the people pushing the buttons?

June 28, 2014 12:25 am

It’s all about money. Forget science.

June 28, 2014 1:24 am

Who is this Hillary Clinton, the leader of the `Gestapo?

Kim Rasmussen
June 28, 2014 2:08 am

If she becomes POTUS , who becomes FLOTUS…….? Just wondering:-)

June 28, 2014 3:14 am

GOP Candidate Releases Video
Global Warming ‘Greatest Deception in the History of Mankind

June 28, 2014 4:29 am

@MojoMojo says
“More interesting is why Hank Paulson and Bloomberg were touting a carbon tax this week”
Paulson takes on China and climate change
September 19, 2008: 4:57 PM EDT
Hank Paulson: As Wrong about Climate Change as he was about The Crash
Looking back at the dark days of the financial crisis in 2008, it is easy to see the similarities between the financial crisis and the climate challenge we now face.”
Yes,they’re both classic examples of Enron economics: a gigantic Ponzi scheme in which rent-seeking corporations, faux experts, and low-down shysters exploit government regulation and incompetence to fleece everyone else.
“Our experts (financial experts then, climate scientists now) try to understand what they see and to model possible futures.”
So let me get this right: you’re using the example of all those useless “experts” who failed to predict the 2008 crash as a justification for trusting the widely discredited models of “climate scientists”? Good luck with that.

June 28, 2014 4:29 am

Over hyped. Deceitful. Out of touch. And so much more.

June 28, 2014 5:08 am

What a surprise — not. She’s a hard-core socialist/marxist. Goose-stepping in lockstep is a given for such.

Coach Springer
June 28, 2014 6:16 am

There are people that keep saying this is a dead end meme, that the end of climate change hysteria is near. Then there are those who want power and think that this is the way to get votes. Including Christie. The statist doing for you what you are too stupid or unwilling to do for yourself does sell. And it doesn’t have to be true or even widely believed to be true. For a progressive, it is only necessary that it be widely believed that it might be true.

Michael Jennings
June 28, 2014 6:49 am

Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you the next President of the Untied States “Hill the Shill” Clinton. Better hope for a victory for the (you may hold your nose here if you like) Republicans in the Senate in order to stop her grandiose plans to continue the destruction of this country so ably started by Comrade Obama.

June 28, 2014 7:10 am

It is a shame WUWT can’t focus on the science instead of the politics

June 28, 2014 7:29 am

chuck says:
June 28, 2014 at 7:10 am
It is a shame WUWT can’t focus on the science instead of the politics

It is a shame politicians can’t focus on the science instead of the politics

June 28, 2014 9:01 am

Mac the Knife says:
June 27, 2014 at 4:56 pm
Trust me, folks. The greater Seattle area will vote +80% for Hillary… or any other jackass with a ‘D’ in front of their name on the ballot. She won’t even have to be above room temperature or capable of misting a mirror with an exhaled breath to garner that proportion of the vote here.

About 30 years ago in San Francisco, a local-area Democratic politician was discovered to have died two days before the election–but his death was not revealed until after the vote. His campaign team claimed they were unaware of his death–they assumed he’d gone visiting somewhere.
A friend of mine who heard all the gossip (he was in the construction business) learned that what had happened was that his campaign manager, upon discovering the dead body in the candidate’s home, stuffed it in the freezer, and took away the food, while the rest of the family was out. Later, he lured the family away on some pretext, recovered the body, thawed it out, and “discovered” it somewhere else. Funny–if you’re the type that thinks rather than feels. Anyway, the Dems got to name his replacement.

Ralph Kramden
June 28, 2014 11:10 am

I agree with Mrs. Clinton the news media has no business covering stories not in line with government policies. What do they think they are, “a free press”? Also let’s get rid of free speech, I never liked that either. /sarc

June 28, 2014 1:15 pm

Oops–In my comment two items above, I said that the campaign manager discovered the dead body of his candidate in the candidate’s house. What actually (supposedly) happened was that his candidate died of a heart attack while the campaign manager was visiting him.

June 28, 2014 6:43 pm

I like how all of a sudden, the sum of America’s ills are one president’s responsibility – the current one.
Anyway, back to the sociology of AGW. Australian Labor was mentioned above. Ironically, if more people had voted for this allegedly socialist party, there would have been less likelihood of the carbon tax being enacted, because Labor would not have had to ally with the Greens so directly. It was this that gave us the carbon tax. AFAIK.
Even so, it did not have to be this way. Further, the government made the mistake of enacting an extra mining tax as well. You can have one or the other but not both (in the same term). Glasnost and Perestroika together brought down the USSR (sorry to spoil the right-wing fantasies). One or the other would have been fine.
I hope that my comments were sufficiently on-topic.

Mac the Knife
June 29, 2014 12:16 am

Karim D. Ghantous says:
June 28, 2014 at 6:43 pm
I like how all of a sudden, the sum of America’s ills are one president’s responsibility – the current one.
Guess you haven’t been paying attention. We are almost 6 years into this Socialist Democrats regime of weakening and overwhelming the US economic, military, ethical, moral, religious, and traditional values. The president before him was a spineless RINO: eg. ‘Republican In Name Only’. But he was only a mere tyro, compared to the malicious and determined assault on American strengths that Obama has pursued. It wasn’t ‘all of a sudden’….

lawrence Cornell
June 29, 2014 4:37 am

Karim D. Ghantous… What Mac the Knife said. Now go back to your liberal bubble land where the ONLY reason people don’t like you is because they are OBVIOUSLY racist and phobic, or just mean (ie. Republican). It couldn’t be anything you’ve DONE, could it ?
My apologies to Mr Watts and the integrity of the forum here, but I’m SICK of what Mr. Ghantous and his “ilk” are doing to my country. Seriously. Just SICK of it.
This sort of attitude is beginning to border on actual insanity now. At this point are you really THAT blind or making a conscious CHOICE to encourage and aide evil ?
Just my informed and conscious opinion, and contrary to apparently popular opinion and sensitivities, I actually have a “right” to have it. Imagine that.

June 29, 2014 5:04 am

Whoa. Hold on a second. My remark was made because I don’t think we can blame everything on just one person.
Was the Iraq war Bush’s fault alone? Is climate policy really all Obama’s fault? Are corporate interests alone to blame for so many Americans being poor? Really? Just one reason for everything?
I wish people understood that most issues and opinions are not a binary choice between scalding hot and freezing cold. Almost all branches of philosophy teach us that (mathematics excepted!).
P.S. I’m not a liberal. But some of my best friends are.

June 29, 2014 1:47 pm

Karim D. Ghantous says:
June 29, 2014 at 5:04 am
Whoa. Hold on a second. My remark was made because I don’t think we can blame everything on just one person.

Just as Mann’s or Hansen’s or Algore’s names are used to represent the represent what is wrong with the CAGW meme so Obama’s name is used to represent what is wrong in Washington. He could do nothing if he didn’t have enough enablers in the Senate and the House of Representatives along with those who have been given authority in the Executive Bureaucracy. I didn’t mention the Judicial Branch.
The set-up has been a long time coming.

lawrence Cornell
June 29, 2014 6:41 pm

Karim D Ghantous…. Thanks for showing us how it’s done with true leftist “finesse”, from the Hanson school of “Hey, I didn’t say what you said I said… well, I didn’t say it EXACTLY like that… well… just because I said it doesn’t mean I meant it the way I said it when you heard it wrong…”.
I had two pages in my head responding to your nonsense, but I’m tired and it’s useless.
But if you want to really have a discussion you can start by proving to me that ANY “corporate interest” was EVER to blame for ANY American being poor ?
Careful, your bias shows even more the harder you try to pretend it away with more words. It’s an integrity thing.

June 30, 2014 11:58 am

darwin says:
June 27, 2014 at 9:58 am
“Do they want society to crash”
Yes. Of course the blame will be placed on someone or something else and the media will go right along with them.

They’re already setting the stage by claiming the problems in Iraq are going to cause another gas crisis that will lead us into another recession.

June 30, 2014 2:48 pm

Only two pages, Lawrence?

lawrence Cornell
June 30, 2014 8:35 pm

Simply put and direct : Knock it off Ghantous. Snark and snit and childish na na na baiting don’t fly here. If you have something to say, SAY IT. Otherwise, go play with the other children… QUIETLY, while the adults talk.
That’s all I have to say to you here. If you want to trade childish barbs and one ups maybe I’ll see you on the AP, yahoo, huffpost or some other agendized forum that encourages such immaturity and you’ll feel more at home.
For now, for here… goodbye.

June 30, 2014 9:27 pm


G. Karst
July 1, 2014 7:35 am

Karim D. Ghantous says:
June 30, 2014 at 9:27 pm

If you let a few harsh comments drive you away, then this isn’t the forum for you. However, if your skin is thick enough, please stick around and consider the bulk of material, in WUWT postings. No one’s opinion gets a free pass and must be validated through reference. Stick around, it is an experience, and you may find some changes in your opinion. Welcome. GK

July 6, 2014 1:39 am

Hopefully, she strokes out….. maybe triggered by the stillbirth of the spawn and scion of felon yid?

July 6, 2014 9:25 pm

GK, thanks for the friendly words! 🙂
The only way I’ll leave WUWT is if Anthony tells me to go. I am not really interested in the opinions of people who do not want conversation, which is why I did not bother replying above. I have better things to do – like read WUWT posts!

lawrence Cornell
July 7, 2014 6:32 am

OK, let me first take a moment to once again apologize for the off topic nature of this thread. I was going to just let it go, just another encounter with a confused, snarky progressive. But I must now respond as I have been negatively referenced in a public forum. Two public forums, in fact, on the same day by one person whom I don’t even know.
Karim D. Ghantous says : “I am not really interested in people who do not want conversation, which is why I did not bother replying above. I have better things to do…”
lawrence Cornell says,June 29, 2014 at 6:41 pm : ‘I had two pages in my head responding to your nonsense, but I’m tired and it’s useless. But if you want to really have a discussion you can start by proving to me that ANY “corporate interest” was EVER to blame for ANY American being poor ?”
Sounds like an invitation to a conversation to me.
Karim D Ghantous reply and contribution to the “conversation” : June 30, 2014 at 2:48 pm “Only two pages, Lawrence?”
So I went off on him a bit for his snark and going OFF conversation. His response : “‘K”.
Well… not exactly, right Ghantous ? That was your response HERE, wasn’t it ? In fact, instead of responding directly, you know “having a conversation”, Mr. Ghantous slinks off to cry on twitter to his other confused progressive friends about the “negativity” of those who disagree with him and even provides them with a cut/paste “quote” of PART of one of my responses. But NO direct response to ME, here. Apparently Mr. Ghantous did indeed “have better things to do”.
(karim D. Ghantous@kdghantous jul 1)
So now poor put upon Karim D. Ghantous wants to return from his one sided twitter “conversation” to come back here and cry some more. So VERY progressive. So predictable :
lawrence Cornell says:
June 29, 2014 at 4:37 am
“Karim D. Ghantous… What Mac the Knife said. Now go back to your liberal bubble land where the ONLY reason people don’t like you is because they are OBVIOUSLY racist and phobic, or just mean (ie. Republican). It couldn’t be anything you’ve DONE, could it ?”
And that’s EXACTLY how Karim D. Ghantous is attempting to play this out. Just a victim of meanness and negativity.
No, I’m not psychic, the left is just TOO easy to see through. They do very little that is honest, direct or fact based, they have no integrity and no moral base and can never be trusted to say exactly what they mean and NOTHING bad EVER has their finger prints on it. It’s ALWAYS someone elses fault or responsibility.(in their minds) They ARE dangerous.

lawrence Cornell
July 7, 2014 8:03 am

BTW, Before he removes it in typical liberal lying fashion, you can tap on his name in any one of his posts to see his twitter thread. (See jul1)….. and the race is on. I wonder how many will see it before it disappears.