More on the record high-low temperature debacle

U.S. Record Temperatures—A Closer Look From World Climate Report: A new paper that is soon to appear in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds that across the U.S. daily record…

Northern Sierra Trees Falsify Claim of 'Unprecedented' Global Warming

Guest post by Larry Fields The last Ice Age razed all of the coniferous forests in Finland. After the ice sheet retreated, trees from elsewhere–like the Scots Pine–gradually colonized the…

The Delayer in Chief? – Obama backs Copenhagen postponement

I always have to chuckle when somebody uses the phrase denier/delayer to label somebody for even the slightest transgression on climate /action/justice/activism/alarmism/pick a word. Briefly, this appeared on Google News:…

Winds of change – Gore gets booed – maybe they shouldn't have billed him as "president of the planet"

Gore’s presentation on climate change draws 800 as 200 protestors gather outside By George Bennett Palm Beach Post Staff Writer   Confused Palm Beach County voters helped thwart Al Gore’s…

Reference: 450 skeptical peer reviewed papers

Andrew at Popular Technology has taken the time (quite a bit of it) to compile a list of papers that have skeptical views. It is reproduced in full here. My…