"relatively unknown Maryland scientist" wants to patent the swamp cooler to combat global warming

This just in, (h/t to Sonicfrog) the swamp cooler is being re-invented as a global warming solution. No mention of what the increased global humidity will do for the planet’s…

More Hot Propaganda – this time from Greenpeace

First let me say I apologize to my readers. I’m going to editorialize a bit. Apparently nothing is off limits anymore. Now we can all honestly say that Greenpeace has…

Polar Albedo Feedback

by Steven Goddard Today is a day of note in Antarctic.  The sun has reached it’s highest point in the sky, and never sets.  The amount of incoming solar radiation…

Follow up to Questions on Deaths from Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat

The post The Deadliest U.S. Natural Hazard: Extreme Cold has generated a number of questions. Mr.. Goklany has graciously supplied a followup which I have posted below. – Anthony by Indur …